Go to the end to download the full example code.
The classic 2D Elder problem demonstrates free convection. Traditionally this was created for heat transport, but we use a modified version for salt transport. The conceptual model can be seen as a 2D sand box, with on top a salt lake in the center and fresh lakes on both the outer edges of the top row.
More info about the theory behind the Elder problem:
Simpson, J., & Clement, P. (2003). Theoretical analysis of the worthiness of Henry and Elder problems as benchmark of density-dependent groundwater flow models. Advances in Water Resources, 1708 (02). Retrieved from
We’ll start with the usual imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import imod
We’ll start off by creating a model discretization, since
this is a simple conceptual model.
The model is a 2D cross-section, hence nrow = 1
nrow = 1
ncol = 160
nlay = 82
dz = 1.875
dx = 3.75
dy = -dx
setup tops and bottoms
top1D = xr.DataArray(
np.arange(nlay * dz, 0.0, -dz), {"layer": np.arange(1, nlay + 1)}, ("layer")
bot = top1D - dz
top = nlay * dz
Set up ibound, which sets where active cells are (ibound = 1.0)
bnd = xr.DataArray(
data=np.full((nlay, nrow, ncol), 1.0),
"y": [0.5],
"x": np.arange(0.5 * dx, dx * ncol, dx),
"layer": np.arange(1, 1 + nlay),
"dx": dx,
"dy": dy,
dims=("layer", "y", "x"),
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bnd.plot(y="layer", yincrease=False, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x0000017F8AA687D0>
Boundary Conditions#
Set the constant heads by specifying a negative value in iboud,
that is: bnd[index] = -1`
bnd[0, :, 0:40] = 0
bnd[0, :, 121:160] = 0
bnd[1, :, 0] = -1
bnd[1, :, 159] = -1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bnd.plot(y="layer", yincrease=False, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x0000017F8A6ED990>
Define the icbund, which sets which cells in the solute transport model are active, inactive or constant.
icbund = xr.DataArray(
data=np.full((nlay, nrow, ncol), 1.0),
"y": [0.5],
"x": np.arange(0.5 * dx, dx * ncol, dx),
"layer": np.arange(1, nlay + 1),
dims=("layer", "y", "x"),
icbund[81, :, :] = -1
icbund[0, :, 41:120] = -1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
icbund.plot(y="layer", yincrease=False, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x0000017F85694B50>
Initial Conditions#
Define the starting concentration
sconc = xr.DataArray(
data=np.full((nlay, nrow, ncol), 0.0),
"y": [0.5],
"x": np.arange(0.5 * dx, dx * ncol, dx),
"layer": np.arange(1, nlay + 1),
dims=("layer", "y", "x"),
sconc[81, :, :] = 0
sconc[0, :, 41:120] = 280.0
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sconc.plot(y="layer", yincrease=False, ax=ax)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh object at 0x0000017F8A9F8250>
Finally, we build the model.
m = imod.wq.SeawatModel("Elder")
m["bas"] = imod.wq.BasicFlow(ibound=bnd, top=top, bottom=bot, starting_head=0.0)
m["lpf"] = imod.wq.LayerPropertyFlow(
k_horizontal=0.411, k_vertical=0.411, specific_storage=0.0
m["btn"] = imod.wq.BasicTransport(
icbund=icbund, starting_concentration=sconc, porosity=0.1
m["adv"] = imod.wq.AdvectionTVD(courant=1.0)
m["dsp"] = imod.wq.Dispersion(longitudinal=0.0, diffusion_coefficient=0.308)
m["vdf"] = imod.wq.VariableDensityFlow(density_concentration_slope=0.71)
m["wel"] = imod.wq.Well(id_name="wel", x=0.5 * dx, y=0.5, rate=0.28512)
m["pcg"] = imod.wq.PreconditionedConjugateGradientSolver(
max_iter=150, inner_iter=30, hclose=0.0001, rclose=0.1, relax=0.98, damp=1.0
m["gcg"] = imod.wq.GeneralizedConjugateGradientSolver(
m["oc"] = imod.wq.OutputControl(save_head_idf=True, save_concentration_idf=True)
m.create_time_discretization(additional_times=["2000-01-01T00:00", "2020-01-01T00:00"])
Now we write the model
modeldir = imod.util.temporary_directory()
m.write(modeldir, resultdir_is_workdir=True)
You can run the model using the comand prompt and the iMOD-WQ executable. This is part of the iMOD v5 release, which can be downloaded here: . This only works on Windows.
To run your model, open up a command prompt and run the following commands:
cd c:\path\to\modeldir
Note that the version name of your executable might differ.
Visualise results#
After succesfully running the model, you can plot results as follows:
head = / "results/head/*.idf")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
head.plot(yincrease=False, ax=ax)
conc = / "results/conc/*.idf")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
conc.plot(levels=range(0, 35, 5), yincrease=False, ax=ax)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.625 seconds)