
classmethod StructuredDiscretization.from_imod5_data(imod5_data: dict[str, dict[str, ~xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray | ~xugrid.core.wrap.UgridDataArray]], regridder_types: ~imod.util.regrid_method_type.RegridMethodType | None = None, regrid_cache: ~imod.mf6.utilities.regrid.RegridderWeightsCache = <imod.mf6.utilities.regrid.RegridderWeightsCache object>, validate: bool = True) StructuredDiscretization[source]#

Construct package from iMOD5 data, loaded with the imod.formats.prj.open_projectfile_data() function.

Method regrids all variables to a target grid with the smallest extent and smallest cellsize available in all the grids. Consequently it converts iMODFLOW data to MODFLOW 6 data.


The method expects the iMOD5 model to be fully 3D, not quasi-3D.

  • imod5_data (dict) – Dictionary with iMOD5 data. This can be constructed from the imod.formats.prj.open_projectfile_data() method.

  • regridder_types (DiscretizationRegridMethod, optional) – Optional dataclass with regridder types for a specific variable. Use this to override default regridding methods.

  • regrid_cache (RegridderWeightsCache, optional) – stores regridder weights for different regridders. Can be used to speed up regridding, if the same regridders are used several times for regridding different arrays.

Return type:

Modflow 6 StructuredDiscretization package.