
class imod.mf6.Dispersion(*_, **__)[source]#

Molecular Diffusion and Dispersion.

  • diffusion_coefficient (xr.DataArray) – effective molecular diffusion coefficient. (DIFFC)

  • longitudinal_horizontal (xr.DataArray) – longitudinal dispersivity in horizontal direction. If flow is strictly horizontal, then this is the longitudinal dispersivity that will be used. If flow is not strictly horizontal or strictly vertical, then the longitudinal dispersivity is a function of both ALH and ALV. If mechanical dispersion is represented (by specifying any dispersivity values) then this array is required. (ALH)

  • transverse_horizontal1 (xr.DataArray) – transverse dispersivity in horizontal direction. This is the transverse dispersivity value for the second ellipsoid axis. If flow is strictly horizontal and directed in the x direction (along a row for a regular grid), then this value controls spreading in the y direction. If mechanical dispersion is represented (by specifying any dispersivity values) then this array is required. (ATH1)

  • longitudinal_vertical (xr.DataArray, optional) – longitudinal dispersivity in vertical direction. If flow is strictly vertical, then this is the longitudinal dispsersivity value that will be used. If flow is not strictly horizontal or strictly vertical, then the longitudinal dispersivity is a function of both ALH and ALV. If this value is not specified and mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ALH. (ALV)

  • transverse_horizontal2 (xr.DataArray, optional) – transverse dispersivity in horizontal direction. This is the transverse dispersivity value for the third ellipsoid axis. If flow is strictly horizontal and directed in the x direction (along a row for a regular grid), then this value controls spreading in the z direction. If this value is not specified and mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ATH1. (ATH2)

  • tranverse_vertical (xr.DataArray, optional) – transverse dispersivity when flow is in vertical direction. If flow is strictly vertical and directed in the z direction, then this value controls spreading in the x and y directions. If this value is not specified and mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ATH2. (ATV)

  • xt3d_off (bool, optional) – deactivate the xt3d method and use the faster and less accurate approximation. (XT3D_OFF)

  • xt3d_rhs (bool, optional) – add xt3d terms to right-hand side, when possible. This option uses less memory, but may require more iterations. (XT3D_RHS)

  • validate ({True, False}) – Flag to indicate whether the package should be validated upon initialization. This raises a ValidationError if package input is provided in the wrong manner. Defaults to True.

__init__(diffusion_coefficient, longitudinal_horizontal, transversal_horizontal1, longitudinal_vertical=None, transversal_horizontal2=None, transversal_vertical=None, xt3d_off=False, xt3d_rhs=False, validate: bool = True)[source]#


__init__(diffusion_coefficient, ...[, ...])


clip_box([time_min, time_max, layer_min, ...])

Clip a package by a bounding box (time, layer, y, x).


from_file(path, **kwargs)

Loads an imod mf6 package from a file (currently only netcdf and zarr are supported).


This function copies the attributes of a dataset that are scalars, such as options.




Returns True if the package is empty- for example if it contains only no-data values.






Mask values outside of domain.

regrid_like(target_grid, regrid_cache[, ...])

Creates a package of the same type as this package, based on another discretization.

render(directory, pkgname, globaltimes, binary)


to_netcdf(*args[, mdal_compliant, crs])

Write dataset contents to a netCDF file.

write(pkgname, globaltimes, directory[, ...])

Write package to file

write_binary_griddata(outpath, da, dtype)

write_blockfile(pkgname, globaltimes, ...)

write_text_griddata(outpath, da, dtype)


