
imod.evaluate.interpolate_value_boundaries(values, z, threshold)[source]#

Function that returns all exceedance and non-exceedance boundaries for a given threshold in a 3D values DataArray. Returned z-coordinates are linearly interpolated between cell mids. As many boundaries are returned as are maximally present in the 3D values DataArray. Function returns xr.DataArray of exceedance boundaries and xr.DataArray of z-coordinates where values fall below the set treshold.

  • values (3D xr.DataArray) – The datarray containing the values to search for boundaries. Dimensions layer, y, x

  • z (1D or 3D xr.DataArray) – Datarray containing z-coordinates of cell midpoints. Dimensions layer, y, x. Should contain a dz coordinate.

  • threshold (float) – Value threshold


  • xr.DataArray – Z locations of successive exceedances of threshold from the top down. Dimensions boundary, y, x

  • xr.DataArray – Z locations of successive instances of falling below threshold from the top down. Dimensions boundary, y, x