
class imod.logging.nulllogger.NullLogger[source]#

Bases: ILogger

The NullLogger is used as a dummy logger that doesn’t log anything.

__init__() None[source]#



critical(message[, additional_depth])

Log message with severity 'CRITICAL'.

debug(message[, additional_depth])

Log message with severity 'DEBUG'.

error(message[, additional_depth])

Log message with severity 'ERROR'.

info(message[, additional_depth])

Log message with severity 'INFO'.

log(loglevel, message, additional_depth)

logs a message with the specified urgency level.

warning(message[, additional_depth])

Log message with severity 'WARNING'.

critical(message: str, additional_depth: int = 0) None[source]#

Log message with severity ‘CRITICAL’.

  • message (str) – message to be logged

  • additional_depth (Optional[int]) – additional depth level. Use this to correct the filename and line number when you add logging to a decorator

debug(message: str, additional_depth: int = 0) None[source]#

Log message with severity ‘DEBUG’.

  • message (str) – message to be logged

  • additional_depth (Optional[int]) – additional depth level. Use this to correct the filename and line number when you add logging to a decorator

error(message: str, additional_depth: int = 0) None[source]#

Log message with severity ‘ERROR’.

  • message (str) – message to be logged

  • additional_depth (Optional[int]) – additional depth level. Use this to correct the filename and line number when you add logging to a decorator

info(message: str, additional_depth: int = 0) None[source]#

Log message with severity ‘INFO’.

  • message (str) – message to be logged

  • additional_depth (Optional[int]) – additional depth level. Use this to correct the filename and line number when you add logging to a decorator

log(loglevel: LogLevel, message: str, additional_depth: int) None#

logs a message with the specified urgency level.

warning(message: str, additional_depth: int = 0) None[source]#

Log message with severity ‘WARNING’.

  • message (str) – message to be logged

  • additional_depth (Optional[int]) – additional depth level. Use this to correct the filename and line number when you add logging to a decorator