

Collect all unique times from model packages and additional given times. These unique times are used as stress periods in the model. All stress packages must have the same starting time.

The time discretization in imod-python works as follows:

  • The datetimes of all packages you send in are always respected

  • Subsequently, the input data you use is always included fully as well

  • All times are treated as starting times for the stress: a stress is always applied until the next specified date

  • For this reason, a final time is required to determine the length of the last stress period

  • Additional times can be provided to force shorter stress periods & more detailed output

  • Every stress has to be defined on the first stress period (this is a modflow requirement)

Or visually (every letter a date in the time axes):

>>> recharge a - b - c - d - e - f
>>> river    g - - - - h - - - - j
>>> times    - - - - - - - - - - - i
>>> model    a - b - c h d - e - f i

with the stress periods defined between these dates. I.e. the model times are the set of all times you include in the model.


times (str, datetime; or iterable of str, datetimes.) – Times to add to the time discretization. At least one single time should be given, which will be used as the ending time of the simulation.


To set the other parameters of the TimeDiscretization object, you have to set these to the object after calling this function.


Add a single time:

>>> m.create_time_discretization("2001-01-01")

Add a daterange:

>>> m.create_time_discretization(pd.daterange("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01"))

Add a list of times:

>>> m.create_time_discretization(["2000-01-01", "2001-01-01"])