
GroundwaterTransportModel.mask_all_packages(mask: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray])#

This function applies a mask to all packages in a model. The mask must be presented as an idomain-like integer array that has 0 (inactive) or -1 (vertical passthrough) values in filtered cells and 1 in active cells. Masking will overwrite idomain with the mask where the mask is 0 or -1. Where the mask is 1, the original value of idomain will be kept. Masking will update the packages accordingly, blanking their input where needed, and is therefore not a reversible operation.


mask (xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray of ints) – idomain-like integer array. 1 sets cells to active, 0 sets cells to inactive, -1 sets cells to vertical passthrough