
class imod.msw.LanduseOptions(landuse_name, vegetation_index, jarvis_o2_stress, jarvis_drought_stress, feddes_p1, feddes_p2, feddes_p3h, feddes_p3l, feddes_p4, feddes_t3h, feddes_t3l, threshold_sprinkling, fraction_evaporated_sprinkling, gift, gift_duration, rotational_period, start_sprinkling_season, end_sprinkling_season, interception_option, interception_capacity_per_LAI, interception_intercept)[source]#

Land use options. This object is responsible for luse_svat.inp

  • landuse_name (array of strings (xr.DataArray)) – Names of land use

  • vegetation_index (array of integers (xr.DataArray)) – Vegetation indices

  • jarvis_o2_stress (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Jarvis parameter for oxygen stress

  • jarvis_drought_stress (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Jarvis parameter for drought stress

  • feddes_p1 (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – p1 (m) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_p2 (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – p2 (m) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_p3h (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – p3h (m) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_p3l (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – p3l (m) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_p4 (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – p4 (m) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_t3h (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – t3h (mm/d) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • feddes_t3l (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – t3l (mm/d) in Feddes function for transpiration reduction

  • threshold_sprinkling (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – If <0, pressure head (m) at which sprinkling begins. If >0 drought stress at which sprinkling begins.

  • fraction_evaporated_sprinkling (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Fraction evaporated sprinkling water

  • gift (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Gift (mm) during rotational period

  • gift_duration (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Gift duration (d)

  • rotational_period (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Rotational period (d)

  • start_sprinkling_season (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Day of year at which sprinkling season starts (d)

  • end_sprinkling_season (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Day of year at which sprinkling season ends (d)

  • interception_option (array of integers (xr.DataAray)) – Choose interception model. 0=Rutter, 1=Von Hoyningen. NOTE: option 2=GASH, but this is not supported by MetaSWAP v8.1.0.3 and lower

  • interception_capacity_per_LAI (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Interception capacity (mm/LAI) will be set for both Rutter and Von Hoyningen.

  • interception_intercept (array of floats (xr.DataArray)) – Intercept of the interception evaporation curve. Pun unintended.


No Penman-Monteith is supported in iMOD Python, so albedo, rsc, rsw, rsoil, kdif, and kdir cannot be specified. (We might create a seperate object for this if there is a demand for it.)

The GASH model (interception_option = 2) and salt stress parameters Maas & Hoffman are not supported by MetaSWAP at the time of writing this class. So these are not supported.

__init__(landuse_name, vegetation_index, jarvis_o2_stress, jarvis_drought_stress, feddes_p1, feddes_p2, feddes_p3h, feddes_p3l, feddes_p4, feddes_t3h, feddes_t3l, threshold_sprinkling, fraction_evaporated_sprinkling, gift, gift_duration, rotational_period, start_sprinkling_season, end_sprinkling_season, interception_option, interception_capacity_per_LAI, interception_intercept)[source]#


__init__(landuse_name, vegetation_index, ...)



write(directory, index, svat)

Write MetaSWAP package to its corresponding fixed format file.

write_dataframe_fixed_width(file, dataframe)

Write dataframe to fixed format file.