Evaluate model output#

calculate_gxg(head[, below_surfacelevel, ...])

Calculate GxG groundwater characteristics from head time series.

convert_pointwaterhead_freshwaterhead(...[, ...])

Function to convert point water head (as outputted by seawat) into freshwater head, using Eq.3 from Guo, W., & Langevin, C.

facebudget(budgetzone[, front, lower, ...])

Computes net face flow into a control volume, as defined by budgetzone.

flow_velocity(front, lower, right, top_bot)

Compute flow velocities (m/d) from budgets (m3/d).

interpolate_value_boundaries(values, z, ...)

Function that returns all exceedance and non-exceedance boundaries for a given threshold in a 3D values DataArray.

quiver_line(frf, fff, flf, start, end)

Obtain the u and v components for quiver plots for a line cross section through a three-dimensional flux field.

quiver_linestring(frf, fff, flf, linestring)

Obtain the u and v components for quiver plots for a linestring cross section through a three-dimensional flow field.

streamfunction_line(frf, fff, start, end)

Obtain the streamfunction for a line cross section through a three-dimensional flow field.

streamfunction_linestring(frf, fff, linestring)

Obtain the streamfunction for a linestring cross section through a three-dimensional flow field.

intra_cell_boundary_conditions(top_bot[, ...])

Function to pre-check boundary-conditions against one another for large intra-cell fluxes.

stability_constraint_advection(front, lower, ...)

Computes advection stability constraint as applied in MT3D for adaptive timestepping (Zheng & Wang, 1999 p54):

stability_constraint_wel(wel, top_bot[, ...])

Computes sink/source stability constraint as applied in MT3D for adaptive timestepping (Zheng & Wang, 1999 p54).