
SeawatModel(modelname[, check])



Collect all unique times from model packages and additional given times.


TimeDiscretization(timestep_duration[, ...])

Time discretisation package class.

OutputControl([save_head_idf, ...])

The Output Control Option is used to specify if head, drawdown, or budget data should be saved and in which format.


The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver is used to solve the finite difference equations in each step of a MODFLOW stress period.


The Generalized Conjugate Gradient Solver solves the matrix equations resulting from the implicit solution of the transport equation.

ParallelKrylovFlowSolver([max_iter, ...])

The Parallel Krylov Flow Solver is used for parallel solving of the flow model.

ParallelKrylovTransportSolver([max_iter, ...])

The Parallel Krylov Transport Solver is used for parallel solving of the transport model.


BasicFlow(ibound, top, bottom, starting_head)

The Basic package is used to specify certain data used in all models.

ConstantHead(head_start, head_end, concentration)

The Constant Head package.

Drainage(elevation, conductance[, save_budget])

The Drain package is used to simulate head-dependent flux boundaries.

EvapotranspirationTopLayer(maximum_rate, ...)

EvapotranspirationLayers(maximum_rate, ...)

EvapotranspirationHighestActive(...[, ...])

GeneralHeadBoundary(head, conductance, density)

The General-Head Boundary package is used to simulate head-dependent flux boundaries.

LayerPropertyFlow(k_horizontal, k_vertical)

The Layer-Property Flow (LPF) package is used to specify properties controlling flow between cells.

RechargeTopLayer(rate, concentration[, ...])

The Recharge package is used to simulate a specified flux distributed over the top of the model and specified in units of length/time (usually m/d).

RechargeLayers(rate, recharge_layer, ...[, ...])

The Recharge package is used to simulate a specified flux distributed over the top of the model and specified in units of length/time (usually m/d).

RechargeHighestActive(rate, concentration[, ...])

The Recharge package is used to simulate a specified flux distributed over the top of the model and specified in units of length/time (usually m/d).

River(stage, conductance, bottom_elevation, ...)

The River package is used to simulate head-dependent flux boundaries.

Well(id_name, x, y, rate[, layer, time, ...])

The Well package is used to simulate a specified flux to individual cells and specified in units of length3/time.


Variable Density Flow package.



Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) formulation (ULTIMATE, MIXELM = -1).

AdvectionMOC([courant, tracking, ...])

Solve the advection term using the Method of Characteristics (MIXELM = 1)

AdvectionModifiedMOC([courant, tracking, ...])

Solve the advention term using the Modified Method of Characteristics (MIXELM = 2) Courant number (PERCEL) is the number of cells (or a fraction of a cell) advection will be allowed in any direction in one transport step.

AdvectionHybridMOC([courant, tracking, ...])

Hybrid Method of Characteristics and Modified Method of Characteristics with MOC or MMOC automatically and dynamically selected (MIXELM = 3)

AdvectionFiniteDifference([courant, weighting])

Solve the advection term using the explicit Finite Difference method (MIXELM = 0) with upstream weighting

BasicTransport(icbund, starting_concentration)

Handles basic tasks that are required by the entire transport model.

Dispersion([longitudinal, ratio_horizontal, ...])

Solves the concentration change due to dispersion explicitly or formulates the coefficient matrix of the dispersion term for the matrix solver.


Mass loading package.


Time varying constant concentration package.