
imod.evaluate.quiver_linestring(frf, fff, flf, linestring)[source]#

Obtain the u and v components for quiver plots for a linestring cross section through a three-dimensional flow field. The u and v components are obtained by first projecting the threedimensional flow components onto the provided cross-section.

  • frf (xarray.DataArray) – Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the rows (FLOW RIGHT FACE).

  • fff (xarray.DataArray) – Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the columns (FLOW FRONT FACE).

  • flf (xarray.DataArray) – Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the layers (FLOW LOWER FACE).

  • linestring (shapely.geometry.LineString) – Shapely geometry designating the linestring along which to sample the cross section.


  • u (xarray.DataArray) – The u component (x-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension “s” along the cross-section. The cellsizes along “s” are given in the “ds” coordinate.

  • v (xarray.DataArray) – The v component (y-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension “s” along the cross-section. The cellsizes along “s” are given in the “ds” coordinate.


Use imod.evaluate.flow_velocity() first to obtain groundwater velocities as input for this function. Velocity in x direction is, however, inverted and must be re-inverted before using as input here.