Source code for imod.evaluate.streamfunction

import imod

def _streamfunction(sfrf, sfff, dx, dy):
    # Scale total flux to length of cell traversed
    # --> no, this gives really akward patterns
    scale_factor = (
        1.0  # (sfrf.dx ** 2 + sfff.dy ** 2) ** 0.5 / (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** 0.5
    sfrfi = sfrf * -scale_factor  # FRF is negative eastward, so flip
    sfffi = sfff * scale_factor  # FFF is positive northward

    # calculate projection of flux onto cross section line
    # Fi_proj = (Fi dotproduct Si) / |Si|
    # keep sign
    Fi_dot_si = sfrfi * sfrf.dx + sfffi * sfff.dy
    Fi_proj = Fi_dot_si / Fi_dot_si.ds

    # calculate stream function by cumsumming from bottom upwards
    # method taken from
    layindex = Fi_proj.layer.values
    Fi_proj = (
    return Fi_proj

[docs] def streamfunction_line(frf, fff, start, end): """Obtain the streamfunction for a line cross section through a three-dimensional flow field. The streamfunction is obtained by first projecting the horizontal flow components onto the provided cross-section. The streamfunction can be contoured to visualize stream lines. Stream lines are an efficient way to visualize groundwater flow. Note, however, that the streamfunction is only defined in 2D, non-diverging, steady-state flow without sources and sinks. These assumption are violated even in a 2D model, but even more so in the approach followed here. Flow perpendicular to the cross-section will not be visualized. It is up to the user to choose cross-sections as perpendicular to the main flow direction as possible. The 2D streamfunction and stream line visualization is based on work of Em. Prof. Olsthoorn. Parameters ---------- frf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the rows (FLOW RIGHT FACE). fff: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the columns (FLOW FRONT FACE). start: (2, ) array_like A latitude-longitude pair designating the start point of the cross section. end: (2, ) array_like A latitude-longitude pair designating the end point of the cross section. Returns ------- `xarray.DataArray` The streamfunction projected on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. """ # interpolate frf and fff to cell center frf = 0.5 * frf + 0.5 * frf.shift({"x": -1}) fff = 0.5 * fff + 0.5 * fff.shift({"y": -1}) # get cross section of frf and fff sfrf =, start, end) sfff =, start, end) return _streamfunction(sfrf, sfff, frf.dx, fff.dy)
[docs] def streamfunction_linestring(frf, fff, linestring): """Obtain the streamfunction for a linestring cross section through a three-dimensional flow field. The streamfunction is obtained by first projecting the horizontal flow components onto the provided cross-section. The streamfunction can be contoured to visualize stream lines. Stream lines are an efficient way to visualize groundwater flow. Note, however, that the streamfunction is only defined in 2D, non-diverging, steady-state flow without sources and sinks. These assumption are violated even in a 2D model, but even more so in the approach followed here. Flow perpendicular to the cross-section will not be visualized. It is up to the user to choose cross-sections as perpendicular to the main flow direction as possible. The 2D streamfunction and stream line visualization is based on work of Em. Prof. Olsthoorn. Parameters ---------- frf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the rows (FLOW RIGHT FACE). fff: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the columns (FLOW FRONT FACE). linestring : shapely.geometry.LineString Shapely geometry designating the linestring along which to sample the cross section. Returns ------- `xarray.DataArray` The streamfunction projected on the cross-section defined by provided linestring, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. """ # interpolate frf and fff to cell center frf = 0.5 * frf + 0.5 * frf.shift({"x": -1}) fff = 0.5 * fff + 0.5 * fff.shift({"y": -1}) # get cross section of frf and fff sfrf =, linestring) sfff =, linestring) return _streamfunction(sfrf, sfff, frf.dx, fff.dy)
def _quiver(sfrf, sfff, sflf): # , dx, dy, dz): # Scale total flux to length of cell traversed # --> no, this gives really akward patterns -> also for quivers? here it might seem like a good idea scale_factor = ( 1.0 # (sfrf.dx ** 2 + sfff.dy ** 2) ** 0.5 / (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** 0.5 ) sfrfi = sfrf * -scale_factor # FRF is negative eastward, so flip sfffi = sfff * scale_factor # FFF is positive northward sflfi = sflf * scale_factor # FLF is positive upward # calculate projection of flux onto cross section plane # cross section plane is given by? u: <dx, dy, 0>, v: <0, 0, 1> # Fi_proj_u = (Fi dotproduct Si) / |Si| * (Si / |Si|) # unitvector not necessary: return u and v as scalars # keep sign Fi_dot_u = sfrfi * sfrf.dx + sfffi * sfff.dy # + sflfi * 0. Fi_proj_u = Fi_dot_u / Fi_dot_u.ds Fi_proj_v = sflfi # no projection necessary for v return Fi_proj_u, Fi_proj_v
[docs] def quiver_line(frf, fff, flf, start, end): """Obtain the u and v components for quiver plots for a line cross section through a three-dimensional flux field. The u and v components are obtained by first projecting the threedimensional flux components onto the provided cross-section. Parameters ---------- frf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the rows (FLOW RIGHT FACE). fff: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the columns (FLOW FRONT FACE). flf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the layers (FLOW LOWER FACE). start: (2, ) array_like A latitude-longitude pair designating the start point of the cross section. end: (2, ) array_like A latitude-longitude pair designating the end point of the cross section. Returns ------- u: `xarray.DataArray` The u component (x-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. v: `xarray.DataArray` The v component (y-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. Notes ----- Use imod.evaluate.flow_velocity() first to obtain groundwater velocities as input for this function. Velocity in x direction is, however, inverted and must be re-inverted before using as input here. """ # interpolate frf and fff to cell center frf = 0.5 * frf + 0.5 * frf.shift({"x": -1}) fff = 0.5 * fff + 0.5 * fff.shift({"y": -1}) # get cross section of frf, fff and flf sfrf =, start, end) sfff =, start, end) sflf =, start, end) return _quiver(sfrf, sfff, sflf)
[docs] def quiver_linestring(frf, fff, flf, linestring): """Obtain the u and v components for quiver plots for a linestring cross section through a three-dimensional flow field. The u and v components are obtained by first projecting the threedimensional flow components onto the provided cross-section. Parameters ---------- frf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the rows (FLOW RIGHT FACE). fff: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the columns (FLOW FRONT FACE). flf: `xarray.DataArray` Three- (or higher) dimensional dataarray of flow component along the layers (FLOW LOWER FACE). linestring : shapely.geometry.LineString Shapely geometry designating the linestring along which to sample the cross section. Returns ------- u: `xarray.DataArray` The u component (x-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. v: `xarray.DataArray` The v component (y-component) of the flow projection on the cross-section between start and end coordinate, with new dimension "s" along the cross-section. The cellsizes along "s" are given in the "ds" coordinate. Notes ----- Use imod.evaluate.flow_velocity() first to obtain groundwater velocities as input for this function. Velocity in x direction is, however, inverted and must be re-inverted before using as input here. """ # interpolate frf and fff to cell center frf = 0.5 * frf + 0.5 * frf.shift({"x": -1}) fff = 0.5 * fff + 0.5 * fff.shift({"y": -1}) # get cross section of frf, fff and flf sfrf =, linestring) sfff =, linestring) sflf =, linestring) return _quiver(sfrf, sfff, sflf)