
imod.prepare.distribute_riv_conductance(distributing_option: DISTRIBUTING_OPTION, allocated: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], conductance: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], top: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], bottom: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], k: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], stage: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray], bottom_elevation: Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray]) Union[DataArray, UgridDataArray][source]#

Function to distribute 2D conductance over vertical layers for the RIV package. Multiple options are available, which need to be selected in the DISTRIBUTING_OPTION enumerator.

  • distributing_option (DISTRIBUTING_OPTION) – Distributing option available in the DISTRIBUTING_OPTION enumerator.

  • allocated (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – 3D boolean array with river cell locations. This can be made with the imod.prepare.allocate_riv_cells() function.

  • conductance (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Planar grid with conductances that need to be distributed over layers, so grid cannot contain a layer dimension. Can contain a time dimension.

  • top (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Model top

  • bottom (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Model layer bottoms

  • k (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Hydraulic conductivities

  • stage (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Planar grid with river stages, cannot contain a layer dimension. Can contain a time dimension.

  • bottom_elevation (DataArray | UgridDataArray) – Planar grid with river bottom elevations, cannot contain a layer dimension. Can contain a time dimension.

Return type

Conductances distributed over depth.


>>> from imod.prepare import allocate_riv_cells, distribute_riv_conductance, ALLOCATION_OPTION, DISTRIBUTING_OPTION
>>> allocated = allocate_riv_cells(
    ALLOCATION_OPTION.stage_to_riv_bot, active, top, bottom, stage, bottom_elevation
>>> conductances_distributed = distribute_riv_conductance(
        DISTRIBUTING_OPTION.by_corrected_transmissivity, allocated,
        conductance, top, bottom, stage, bottom_elevation, k