
GroundwaterTransportModel.dump(directory, modelname, validate: bool = True, mdal_compliant: bool = False, crs: Optional[Any] = None)#

Dump simulation to files. Writes a model definition as .TOML file, which points to data for each package. Each package is stored as a separate NetCDF. Structured grids are saved as regular NetCDFs, unstructured grids are saved as UGRID NetCDF. Structured grids are always made GDAL compliant, unstructured grids can be made MDAL compliant optionally.

  • directory (str or Path) – directory to dump simulation into.

  • modelname (str) – modelname, will be used to create a subdirectory.

  • validate (bool, optional) – Whether to validate simulation data. Defaults to True.

  • mdal_compliant (bool, optional) – Convert data with imod.prepare.spatial.mdal_compliant_ugrid2d() to MDAL compliant unstructured grids. Defaults to False.

  • crs (Any, optional) – Anything accepted by Requires rioxarray installed.