
class imod.wq.River(stage, conductance, bottom_elevation, density, concentration=None, save_budget=False)[source]#

The River package is used to simulate head-dependent flux boundaries. In the River package if the head in the cell falls below a certain threshold, the flux from the river to the model cell is set to a specified lower bound.

  • stage (float or xr.DataArray of floats) – is the head in the river (STAGE).

  • bottom_elevation (float or xr.DataArray of floats) – is the bottom of the riverbed (RBOT).

  • conductance (float or xr.DataArray of floats) – is the conductance of the river.

  • density (float or xr.DataArray of floats) – is the density used to convert the point head to the freshwater head (RIVSSMDENS).

  • concentration ("None", float or xr.DataArray of floats, optional) – is the concentration in the river. Default is None.

  • save_budget (bool, optional) – is a flag indicating if the budget should be saved (IRIVCB). Default is False.

__init__(stage, conductance, bottom_elevation, density, concentration=None, save_budget=False)[source]#


__init__(stage, conductance, ...[, ...])

add_timemap(*args, **kwargs)

from_file(path, **kwargs)

Loads an imod-wq package from a file (currently only netcdf and zarr are supported).


repeat_stress([stage, conductance, ...])

