Source code for imod.evaluate.boundaries

import numba
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

def _interpolate_value_boundaries_z1d(values, z, dz, threshold, out):
    nlay, nrow, ncol = values.shape
    for i in range(nrow):
        for j in range(ncol):
            n = 0
            if values[0, i, j] >= threshold:  # top cell exceeds threshold
                out[n, i, j] = z[0] + 0.5 * dz[0]
                n += 1
            for k in range(1, nlay):
                # from top downward
                if (n % 2 == 0 and values[k, i, j] >= threshold) or (
                    n % 2 == 1 and values[k, i, j] <= threshold
                ):  # exceeding (n even) or falling below threshold (n odd)
                    if values[k, i, j] == values[k - 1, i, j]:
                        # edge case: subsequent values equal threshold result in ZeroDivisionError
                    if not np.isnan(values[k - 1, i, j]):
                        # interpolate z coord of threshold
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k - 1] + (threshold - values[k - 1, i, j]) * (
                            z[k] - z[k - 1]
                        ) / (values[k, i, j] - values[k - 1, i, j])
                        # set to top of layer
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k] + 0.5 * dz[k]
                    n += 1

def _interpolate_value_boundaries_z3d(values, z, dz, threshold, out):
    nlay, nrow, ncol = values.shape
    for i in range(nrow):
        for j in range(ncol):
            n = 0
            if values[0, i, j] >= threshold:  # top cell exceeds threshold
                out[n, i, j] = z[0, i, j] + 0.5 * dz[0, i, j]
                n += 1
            for k in range(1, nlay):
                # from top downward
                if (n % 2 == 0 and values[k, i, j] >= threshold) or (
                    n % 2 == 1 and values[k, i, j] <= threshold
                ):  # exceeding (n even) or falling below threshold (n odd)
                    if values[k, i, j] == values[k - 1, i, j]:
                        # edge case: subsequent values equal threshold result in ZeroDivisionError
                    if not np.isnan(values[k - 1, i, j]):
                        # interpolate z coord of threshold
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k - 1, i, j] + (
                            threshold - values[k - 1, i, j]
                        ) * (z[k, i, j] - z[k - 1, i, j]) / (
                            values[k, i, j] - values[k - 1, i, j]
                        # set to top of layer
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k, i, j] + 0.5 * dz[k, i, j]
                    n += 1

def _interpolate_value_boundaries_z3ddz1d(values, z, dz, threshold, out):
    nlay, nrow, ncol = values.shape
    for i in range(nrow):
        for j in range(ncol):
            n = 0
            if values[0, i, j] >= threshold:  # top cell exceeds threshold
                out[n, i, j] = z[0, i, j] + 0.5 * dz[0]
                n += 1
            for k in range(1, nlay):
                # from top downward
                if (n % 2 == 0 and values[k, i, j] >= threshold) or (
                    n % 2 == 1 and values[k, i, j] <= threshold
                ):  # exceeding (n even) or falling below threshold (n odd)
                    # if (values[k, i, j] == threshold) and (values[k - 1, i, j] == threshold):
                    if values[k, i, j] == values[k - 1, i, j]:
                        # edge case: subsequent values equal threshold result in ZeroDivisionError
                    if not np.isnan(values[k - 1, i, j]):
                        # interpolate z coord of threshold
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k - 1, i, j] + (
                            threshold - values[k - 1, i, j]
                        ) * (z[k, i, j] - z[k - 1, i, j]) / (
                            values[k, i, j] - values[k - 1, i, j]
                        # set to top of layer
                        out[n, i, j] = z[k, i, j] + 0.5 * dz[k]
                    n += 1

[docs] def interpolate_value_boundaries(values, z, threshold): """Function that returns all exceedance and non-exceedance boundaries for a given threshold in a 3D values DataArray. Returned z-coordinates are linearly interpolated between cell mids. As many boundaries are returned as are maximally present in the 3D values DataArray. Function returns xr.DataArray of exceedance boundaries and xr.DataArray of z-coordinates where values fall below the set treshold. Parameters ---------- values : 3D xr.DataArray The datarray containing the values to search for boundaries. Dimensions ``layer``, ``y``, ``x`` z : 1D or 3D xr.DataArray Datarray containing z-coordinates of cell midpoints. Dimensions ``layer``, ``y``, ``x``. Should contain a dz coordinate. threshold : float Value threshold Returns ------- xr.DataArray Z locations of successive exceedances of threshold from the top down. Dimensions ``boundary``, ``y``, ``x`` xr.DataArray Z locations of successive instances of falling below threshold from the top down. Dimensions ``boundary``, ``y``, ``x`` """ if "dz" not in z.coords: raise ValueError('Dataarray "z" must contain a "dz" coordinate') values = values.load() out = xr.full_like(values, np.nan) # if is a scalar, conform to z # TODO: broadcast dz to z, so _interpolate_value_boundaries_z3ddz1d is superfluous? if len( == 0: dz = np.ones_like(z) * else: dz = if len(z.dims) == 1: _interpolate_value_boundaries_z1d( values.values, z.values, dz, threshold, out.values ) else: if len( <= 1: _interpolate_value_boundaries_z3ddz1d( values.values, z.values, dz, threshold, out.values ) else: _interpolate_value_boundaries_z3d( values.values, z.values, dz, threshold, out.values ) out = out.rename({"layer": "boundary"}) out = out.dropna(dim="boundary", how="all") # _interpolate_value_boundaries returns exceedance / falling below as even- and odd-indexed boundaries # separate and renumber them for convenience out.coords["boundary"] = np.arange(len(out.coords["boundary"])) exceedance = out.sel(boundary=slice(0, len(out.coords["boundary"]), 2)) exceedance.coords["boundary"] = np.arange(len(exceedance.coords["boundary"])) fallbelow = out.sel(boundary=slice(1, len(out.coords["boundary"]), 2)) fallbelow.coords["boundary"] = np.arange(len(fallbelow.coords["boundary"])) return exceedance, fallbelow