
imod.formats.prj.convert_to_disv(projectfile_data, target, time_min=None, time_max=None, repeat_stress=None)[source]#

Convert the contents of a project file to a MODFLOW6 DISV model.

The time_min and time_max are both required when repeat_stress is given. The entries in the Periods section of the project file will be expanded to yearly repeats between time_min and time_max.

Additionally, time_min and time_max may be used to slice the input to a specific time domain.

The returned model is steady-state if none of the packages contain a time dimension. The model is transient if any of the packages contain a time dimension. This can be changed by setting the “transient” value in the storage package of the returned model. Storage coefficient input is required for a transient model.

  • projectfile_data (dict) – Dictionary with the projectfile topics as keys, and the data as xarray.DataArray, pandas.DataFrame, or geopandas.GeoDataFrame.

  • target (xu.Ugrid2d) – The unstructured target topology. All data is transformed to match this topology.

  • time_min (datetime, optional) – Minimum starting time of a stress. Required when repeat_stress is provided.

  • time_max (datetime, optional) – Maximum starting time of a stress. Required when repeat_stress is provided.

  • repeat_stress (dict of dict of string to datetime, optional) – This dict contains contains, per topic, the period alias (a string) to its datetime.



Return type
