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Plot Wflow forcing#

HydroMT provides a simple interface to model forcing data from which we can make beautiful plots:

  • Forcing model layers are saved to model forcing component as a dict of xarray.DataArray

Load dependencies#

import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hydromt
from hydromt_wflow import WflowModel

Read the model#

root = "wflow_piave_subbasin"
mod = WflowModel(root, mode="r")

Plot model forcing#

Here we plot the model basin average forcing.

# read wflow forcing; mask region outside the basin and compute the basin average
# NOTE: only very limited forcing data is available from the artifacts
ds_forcing = xr.merge(mod.forcing.values()).where(mod.grid["wflow_subcatch"] > 0)
ds_forcing = ds_forcing.mean(dim=[ds_forcing.raster.x_dim, ds_forcing.raster.y_dim])
# plot axes labels
_ATTRS = {
    "precip": {
        "standard_name": "precipitation",
        "unit": "mm.day-1",
        "color": "darkblue",
    "pet": {
        "standard_name": "potential evapotranspiration",
        "unit": "mm.day-1",
        "color": "purple",
    "temp": {"standard_name": "temperature", "unit": "degree C", "color": "orange"},
n = len(ds_forcing.data_vars)
kwargs0 = dict(sharex=True, figsize=(6, n * 3))

fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, 1, **kwargs0)
axes = [axes] if n == 1 else axes
for i, name in enumerate(ds_forcing.data_vars):
    df = ds_forcing[name].squeeze().to_series()
    attrs = _ATTRS[name]
    longname = attrs.get("standard_name", "")
    unit = attrs.get("unit", "")
    if name == "precip":
        axes[i].bar(df.index, df.values, facecolor=attrs["color"])
        df.plot.line(ax=axes[i], x="time", color=attrs["color"])

# save figure
# fn_out = join(mod.root, "figs", "forcing.png")
# plt.savefig(fn_out, dpi=225, bbox_inches="tight")