Updating a model#

To add or change one or more components of an existing model the update method can be used. The update method works identical for all HydroMT model plugins, but the model methods (i.e. sections and options in the .yaml configuration file) are different for each model.

Steps in brief:

  1. You have an existing model schematization. This model does not have to be complete.

  2. Prepare or use a pre-defined data catalog with all the required data sources, see working with data

  3. Prepare a model configuration with the methods that you want to use to add or change components of your model: see model configuration.

  4. Update your model using the CLI or Python interface


By default all model data is written at the end of the update method. If your update however only affects a certain model data (e.g. maps or forcing) you can add a write_* method (e.g. write_maps, write_forcing) to the .yaml file and only these data will be written.

Note that the model config is often changed as part of the a model method and write_config should thus be added to the .yaml file to keep the model data and config consistent.

From CLI#

The hydromt update command line interface (CLI) method can be run from the command line after the right conda environment is activated.

By default, the model is updated in place, overwriting the existing model schematization. To save a copy of the model provide a new output model root directory with the -o option.

By default, all model methods in the .yaml configuration file provided with -i will be updated. To update only certain methods, the -c <method> option can be used to select methods in combination with .yaml file. Besides the .yaml file, method arguments can be set from the CLI with --opt <method.argument=value>. If used in combination with an .yaml file, it will overwrite the same arguments in the .yaml file. Both -c and -opt can be used repeatedly in a single update.

Example usage

In the following example a Wflow model at /path/to/model is updated and the results are written to a new directory /path/to/model_out. The pipeline with methods which are updated are outlined in the wflow_config.yaml configuration file and used data sources in the data_catalog.yml catalog file.

hydromt update wflow /path/to/model_root -o /path/to/model_out -i /path/to/wflow_config.yaml -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v

The following example updates (overwrites!) the landuse-landcover based staticmaps in a Wflow model with the setup_lulcmaps method based on a the different landuse-landcover dataset according to setup_lulcmaps.lulc_fn=vito. The vito dataset must be defined in the data_catalog.yml catalog file. Note that no .yaml file is used here but instead the methods and options are defined in the update command.

hydromt update wflow /path/to/model_root -c setup_lulcmaps -c write_staticmaps --opt setup_lulcmaps.lulc_fn=vito -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v

Overview of options

To check all options do:

hydromt update --help
Usage: main update [OPTIONS] MODEL MODEL_ROOT

  Update a specific component of a model.

  Set an output directory to copy the edited model to a new folder, otherwise
  maps are overwritten.

  Example usage: --------------

  Update (overwrite!) landuse-landcover based maps in a Wflow model: hydromt
  update wflow /path/to/model_root -c setup_lulcmaps --opt lulc_fn=vito -d
  /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v

  Update Wflow model components outlined in an .yml configuration file and write
  the model to a directory: hydromt update wflow /path/to/model_root  -o
  /path/to/model_out  -i /path/to/wflow_config.yml  -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml

  -o, --model-out DIRECTORY  Output model folder. Maps in MODEL_ROOT are
                             overwritten if left empty.
  -i, --config PATH          Path to hydroMT configuration file, for the model
                             specific implementation.
  -c, --components TEXT      Model methods from configuration file to run
  --opt TEXT                 Method specific keyword arguments, see the method
                             documentation of the specific model for more
                             information about the arguments.
  -d, --data TEXT            Path to local yaml data catalog file OR name of
                             predefined data catalog.
  --dd, --deltares-data      Flag: Shortcut to add the "deltares_data" catalog
  --fo, --force-overwrite    Flag: If provided overwrite existing model files
  --cache                    Flag: If provided cache tiled rasterdatasets
  -q, --quiet                Decrease verbosity.
  -v, --verbose              Increase verbosity.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

From Python#

All HydroMT models have an update() method which can be used when updating models from Python. The data catalog yaml files and logging have to be set when initializing the model. The configuration file can be parsed using configread() and passed to the build method using the opt argument.

Example usage

To update a Wflow model based on methods in an .yaml file, as also shown in the first CLI example above, the following Python code is required. Note that compared to building a model, the model should be initialized in read (if you save the output to a new root) or append (if you update the model data in place) mode.

from hydromt_wflow import WflowModel
from hydromt.config import configread
data_libs = [r'/path/to/data_catalog.yml']
opt=configread(r'/path/to/wflow_config.yaml')  # parse .yaml configuration
mod = WflowModel(r'/path/to/model_root', data_libs=data_libs, mode='r')  # initialize model with default logger in read mode
mod.update(model_out=r'/path/to/model_out', opt=opt)

To update a single component of a Wflow model from Python, the model methods can also be called directly instead of using the update method. Note that this will however not log the used methods and arguments making your model harder to reproduce. To change the model root before writing the updated model use the set_root() method (not shown in this example).

from hydromt_wflow import WflowModel
data_libs = [r'/path/to/data_catalog.yml']  # this catalog contains the 'vito' data source
mod = WflowModel(r'/path/to/model_root', data_libs=data_libs, mode='r+')  # initialize model with default logger in append mode
mod.write_staticmaps()  # write static maps component with updated lulc maps