Preparing a Data Catalog#

Steps in brief:

  1. Have your (local) dataset ready in one of the supported raster, vector or geospatial time-series

  2. Create your own yaml file with a reference to your prepared dataset following the HydroMT data conventions, see examples below.

A detailed description of the yaml file is given below. For more information see from_yml() and examples per data type

Data catalog yaml file#

Each data source, is added to a data catalog yaml file with a user-defined name.

A blue print for a dataset called my_dataset is shown below. The path, data_type and driver options are required and the meta option with the shown keys is highly recommended. The rename, nodata, unit_add and unit_mult options are set per variable (or attribute table column in case of a GeoDataFrame). driver_kwargs contain any options passed to different drivers.

  root: /path/to/data_root/
  version: version
  name: data_catalog_name
  crs: EPSG/WKT
  data_type: RasterDataset/GeoDataset/GeoDataFrame/DataFrame
  driver: raster/raster_tindex/netcdf/zarr/vector/vector_table/csv/xlsx/xls
    key: value
  filesystem: local/gcs/s3/http
    source_license: CC-BY-3.0
    source_version: vX.X
    paper_ref: Author et al. (year)
    paper_doi: doi
    category: category
    new_variable_name: value
  path: /absolut_path/to/my_dataset.extension OR relative_path/to_my_dataset.extension
    old_variable_name: new_variable_name
    new_variable_name: value
    new_variable_name: value
      units: value
      long_name: variable_long_name
    [zoom_level: zoom_resolution]

The yaml file has an optional global meta data section:

  • root (optional): root folder for all the data sources in the yaml file. If not provided the folder of where the yaml file is located will be used as root. This is used in combination with each data source path argument to avoid repetition.

  • version (recommended): data catalog version; we recommend calendar versioning

  • hydromt_version (recommended): range of hydromt version that can read this catalog. Format should be acording to PEP 440.

  • category (optional): used if all data source in catalog belong to the same category. Usual categories within HydroMT are geography, topography, hydrography, meteo, landuse, ocean, socio-economic, observed data but the user is free to define its own categories.

The following are required data source arguments:

  • data_type: type of input data. Either RasterDataset, GeoDataset, GeoDataFrame or DataFrame.

  • driver: data_type specific driver to read a dataset, see overview below.

  • path: path to the data file. Relative paths are combined with the global root option of the yaml file (if available) or the directory of the yaml file itself. To read multiple files in a single dataset (if supported by the driver) a string glob in the form of "path/to/my/files/*.nc" can be used. The filenames can be further specified with {variable}, {year} and {month} keys to limit which files are being read based on the get_data request in the form of "path/to/my/files/{variable}_{year}_{month}.nc". Note that month is by default not zero-padded (e.g. January 2012 is stored as "path/to/my/files/{variable}"). Users can optionally add a formatting string to define how the key should be read. For example, in a path written as "path/to/my/files/{variable}_{year}_{month:02d}.nc", the month always has two digits and is zero-padded for Jan-Sep (e.g. January 2012 is stored as "path/to/my/files/{variable}").

A full list of optional data source arguments is given below

  • driver_kwargs: pairs of key value arguments to pass to the driver specific open data method (eg xr.open_mfdataset for netdcf raster, see the full list below). NOTE: New with HydroMT v0.7.2 (was called kwargs before)

  • filesystem (optional): specify at what filesystem the data is stored. This is used to select the correct protocol to access different filesystems (e.g. local, gcs, s3, http). If not provided the filesystem is inferred from the path. See fsspec for more available protocols.

  • storage_options (optional): Additional arguments to pass to the filesystem protocol, these are protocol specific. NOTE: New in HydroMT v0.8.1

  • version (recommended): data source version NOTE: New in HydroMT v0.8.1

  • provider (recommended): data source provider NOTE: New in HydroMT v0.8.1

  • meta (recommended): additional information on the dataset organized in a sub-list. Good meta data includes a source_url, source_license, source_version, paper_ref, paper_doi, category, etc. These are added to the data attributes. Usual categories within HydroMT are geography, topography, hydrography, meteo, landuse, ocean, socio-economic, observed data but the user is free to define its own categories.

  • nodata (required if missing in the data): nodata value of the input data. For Raster- and GeoDatasets this is only used if not inferred from the original input data. For GeoDataFrame provided nodata values are converted to nan values.

  • rename: pairs of variable names in the input data (old_variable_name) and the corresponding HydroMT variable naming conventions and recognized dimension names (new_variable_name).

  • unit_add: add or substract a value to the input data for unit conversion (e.g. -273.15 for conversion of temperature from Kelvin to Celsius).

  • unit_mult: multiply the input data by a value for unit conversion (e.g. 1000 for conversion from m to mm of precipitation).

  • attrs (optional): This argument allows for setting attributes like the unit or long name to variables. NOTE: New in HydroMT v0.7.2

  • placeholder (optional): this argument can be used to generate multiple sources with a single entry in the data catalog file. If different files follow a logical nomenclature, multiple data sources can be defined by iterating through all possible combinations of the placeholders. The placeholder names should be given in the source name and the path and its values listed under the placeholder argument.

  • variants (optional): This argument can be used to generate multiple sources with the same name, but from different providers or versions. Any keys here are essentially used to extend/overwrite the base arguments.

The following are optional data source arguments for RasterDataset, GeoDataFrame, and GeoDataset:

  • crs (required if missing in the data): EPSG code or WKT string of the reference coordinate system of the data. Only used if not crs can be inferred from the input data.

The following are optional data source arguments for RasterDataset:

  • zoom_level (optional): this argument can be used for a RasterDatasets that contain multiple zoom levels of different resolution. It should contain a list of numeric zoom levels that correspond to the zoom_level key in file path, e.g., "path/to/my/files/{zoom_level}/data.tif" and corresponding resolution, expressed in the unit of the data crs. The crs argument is therefore required when using zoom_levels to correctly interpret the unit of the resolution. The required zoom level can be requested from HydroMT as argument to the DataCatalog.get_rasterdataset method, see Reading tiled raster data with different zoom levels.


The alias argument will be deprecated and should no longer be used, see github issue for more information


Using cloud data is still experimental and only supported for DataFrame, RasterDataset and Geodataset with zarr. RasterDataset with raster driver is also possible but in case of multiple files (mosaic) we strongly recommend using a vrt file for speed and computation efficiency.

Data variants#

Data variants are used to define multiple data sources with the same name, but from different providers or versions. Below, we show an example of a data catalog for a RasterDataset with multiple variants of the same data source (esa_worldcover), but this works identical for other data types. Here, the crs, data_type, driver and filesystem are common arguments used for all variants. The variant arguments are used to extend and/or overwrite the common arguments, creating new sources.

  crs: 4326
  data_type: RasterDataset
  driver: raster
  filesystem: local
    - provider: local
      version: 2021
      path: landuse/esa_worldcover_2021/esa-worldcover.vrt
    - provider: local
      version: 2020
      path: landuse/esa_worldcover/esa-worldcover.vrt
    - provider: aws
      version: 2020
      path: s3://esa-worldcover/v100/2020/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_Map_AWS.vrt
      filesystem: s3

To request a specific variant, the variant arguments can be used as keyword arguments to the DataCatalog.get_rasterdataset method, see code below. By default the newest version from the last provider is returned when requesting a data source with specific version or provider. Requesting a specific version from a HydroMT configuration file is also possible, see Preparing a model configuration.

from hydromt import DataCatalog
dc = DataCatalog.from_yml("data_catalog.yml")
# get the default version. This will return the latest (2020) version from the last provider (aws)
ds = dc.get_rasterdataset("esa_worldcover")
# get a 2020 version. This will return the 2020 version from the last provider (aws)
ds = dc.get_rasterdataset("esa_worldcover", version=2020)
# get a 2021 version. This will return the 2021 version from the local provider as this verion is not available from aws .
ds = dc.get_rasterdataset("esa_worldcover", version=2021)
# get the 2020 version from the local provider
ds = dc.get_rasterdataset("esa_worldcover", version=2020, provider="local")