Supported data types#
HydroMT currently supports the following data types:
RasterDataset: static and dynamic raster (or gridded) data
GeoDataFrame: static vector data
GeoDataset: dynamic point location data
Dataset: non-spatial n-dimensional data
DataFrame: 2D tabular data
Internally the RasterDataset, GeoDataset, and Dataset are represented by xarray.Dataset
the GeoDataFrame by geopandas.GeoDataFrame
, and the DataFrame by
. We use drivers, typically from third-party packages and sometimes
wrapped in HydroMT functions, to parse many different file formats to this standardized internal
data representation.
Please contact us through the issue list if you would like to add other drivers.
Recognized dimension names#
time: time or date stamp [“time”].
x: x coordinate [“x”, “longitude”, “lon”, “long”].
y: y-coordinate [“y”, “latitude”, “lat”].
Raster data (RasterDataset)#
Driver |
File formats |
Method |
Comments |
GeoTIFF, ArcASCII, VRT, etc. (see GDAL formats) |
Based on |
raster tile index file (see gdaltindex) |
Options to merge tiles via |
NetCDF and Zarr |
required y and x dimensions |
Single variable GeoTiff raster
Single raster files are parsed to a RasterDataset based on the raster driver.
This driver supports 2D raster for which the dimensions are names “x” and “y”.
A potential third dimension is called “dim0”.
The variable name is based on the filename, in this case “GLOBCOVER_200901_200912_300x300m”.
The chunks
key-word argument is passed to open_mfraster()
and allows lazy reading of the data.
path: base/landcover/globcover/GLOBCOVER_200901_200912_300x300m.tif
data_type: RasterDataset
driver: raster
chunks: {x: 3600, y: 3600}
category: landuse
source_license: CC-BY-3.0
paper_ref: Arino et al (2012)
paper_doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.787668
Multi-variable Virtual Raster Tileset (VRT)#
Multiple raster layers from different files are parsed using the raster driver.
Each raster becomes a variable in the resulting RasterDataset based on its filename.
The path to multiple files can be set using a sting glob or several keys,
see description of the path
argument in the yaml file description.
Note that the rasters should have identical grids.
Here multiple .vrt files (dir.vrt, bas.vrt, etc.) are combined based on their variable name into a single dataset with variables flwdir, basins, etc. Other multiple file raster datasets (e.g. GeoTIFF files) can be read in the same way. VRT files are useful for large raster datasets which are often tiled and can be combined using gdalbuildvrt.
path: base/merit_hydro/{variable}.vrt
data_type: RasterDataset
driver: raster
crs: 4326
chunks: {x: 6000, y: 6000}
dir: flwdir
bas: basins
upa: uparea
elv: elevtn
sto: strord
category: topography
source_version: 1.0
paper_doi: 10.1029/2019WR024873
paper_ref: Dai Yamazaki
source_license: CC-BY-NC 4.0 or ODbL 1.0
Tiled raster dataset#
Tiled index datasets are parsed using the raster_tindex driver. This data format is used to combine raster tiles with different CRS projections. A polygon vector file (e.g. GeoPackage) is used to make a tile index with the spatial footprints of each tile. When reading a spatial slice of this data the files with intersecting footprints will be merged together in the CRS of the most central tile. Use gdaltindex to build an excepted tile index file.
Here a GeoPackage with the tile index referring to individual GeoTiff raster tiles is used.
The mosaic_kwargs
are passed to open_raster_from_tindex()
set the resampling method
. The name of the column in the tile index attribute table tileindex
which contains the raster tile file names is set in the driver_kwargs
(to be directly passed as an argument to
path: static_data/base/grwl/tindex.gpkg
data_type: RasterDataset
driver: raster_tindex
nodata: 0
chunks: {x: 3000, y: 3000}
mosaic_kwargs: {method: nearest}
tileindex: location
category: hydrography
paper_doi: 10.1126/science.aat0636
paper_ref: Allen and Pavelsky (2018)
source_license: CC BY 4.0
source_version: 1.01
Tiled raster datasets are not read lazily as different tiles have to be merged together based on their values. For fast access to large raster datasets, other formats might be more suitable.
Netcdf raster dataset#
Netcdf and Zarr raster data are typically used for dynamic raster data and parsed using the netcdf and zarr drivers. A typical raster netcdf or zarr raster dataset has the following structure with two (“y” and “x”) or three (“time”, “y” and “x”) dimensions. See list of recognized dimensions names.
Dimensions: (latitude: NY, longitude: NX, time: NT)
* longitude (longitude)
* latitude (latitude)
* time (time)
Data variables:
temp (time, latitude, longitude)
precip (time, latitude, longitude)
To read a raster dataset from a multiple file netcdf archive the following data entry
is used, where the driver_kwargs
are passed to xarray.open_mfdataset()
(or xarray.open_zarr()
for zarr data).
In case the CRS cannot be inferred from the netcdf data it should be defined with the crs
option here.
The path to multiple files can be set using a sting glob or several keys,
see description of the path
argument in the yaml file description.
In this example additional renaming and unit conversion preprocessing steps are added to
unify the data to match the HydroMT naming and unit terminology.
path: forcing/ERA5/org/era5_{variable}_{year}
data_type: RasterDataset
driver: netcdf
crs: 4326
chunks: {latitude: 125, longitude: 120, time: 50}
combine: by_coords
decode_times: true
parallel: true
category: meteo
paper_doi: 10.1002/qj.3803
paper_ref: Hersbach et al. (2019)
t2m: temp
tp: precip
temp: -273.15
precip: 1000
Preprocess functions when combining multiple files#
In xarray.open_mfdataset()
, xarray allows for a preprocess function to be run before merging several
netcdf files together. In hydroMT, some preprocess functions are available and can be passed through the driver_kwargs
options in the same way as any xr.open_mfdataset options. These preprocess functions are:
round_latlon: round x and y dimensions to 5 decimals to avoid merging problems in xarray due to small differences in x, y values in the different netcdf files of the same data source.
to_datetimeindex: force parsing the time dimension to a datetime index.
remove_duplicates: remove time duplicates
Vector data (GeoDataFrame)#
Driver |
File formats |
Method |
Comments |
ESRI Shapefile, GeoPackage, GeoJSON, etc. |
Point, Line and Polygon geometries. Uses |
Point geometries only. Uses |
GeoPackage spatial vector data#
Spatial vector data is parsed to a GeoDataFrame using the vector driver.
For large spatial vector datasets we recommend the GeoPackage format as it includes a
spatial index for fast filtering of the data based on spatial location. An example is
shown below. Note that the rename, unit_mult
, unit_add
and nodata
options refer to
columns of the attribute table in case of a GeoDataFrame.
path: base/emissions/GDP-countries/World_countries_GDPpcPPP.gpkg
data_type: GeoDataFrame
driver: vector
layer: GDP
GDP: gdp
gdp: 0.001
category: socio-economic
source_version: 1.0
Point vector from text delimited data#
Tabulated point vector data files can be parsed to a GeoDataFrame with the vector_table driver. This driver reads CSV (or similar delimited text files), EXCEL and XY (white-space delimited text file without headers) files. See this list of dimension names for recognized x and y column names.
A typical CSV point vector file is given below. A similar setup with headers can be used to read other text delimited files or excel files.
index, x, y, col1, col2
<ID1>, <X1>, <Y1>, <>, <>
<ID2>, <X2>, <Y2>, <>, <>
A XY files looks like the example below. As it does not contain headers or an index, the first column is assumed to contain the x-coordinates, the second column the y-coordinates and the index is a simple enumeration starting at 1. Any additional column is saved as column of the GeoDataFrame attribute table.
<X1>, <Y1>, <>, <>
<X2>, <Y2>, <>, <>
As the CRS of the coordinates cannot be inferred from the data it must be set in the
data entry in the yaml file as shown in the example below. The internal data format
is based on the file extension unless the driver_kwargs
option is set.
See open_vector()
and open_vector_from_table()
for more
path: /path/to/stations.csv
data_type: GeoDataFrame
driver: vector_table
crs: 4326
driver: csv
HydroMT also supports reading and writing vector data in binary format. Currently only parquet is supported, but others could be added if desired. The structure of the files should be the same as the text format files described above but writing according to the parquet file spec. Since this is a binary format, not examples are provided, but for example pandas can write the same data structure to parquet as it can csv.
Geospatial point time-series (GeoDataset)#
Driver |
File formats |
Method |
Comments |
Combined point location (e.g. CSV or GeoJSON) and text delimited time-series (e.g. CSV) data. |
NetCDF and Zarr |
required time and index dimensions and x- and y coordinates. |
Netcdf point time-series dataset#
Netcdf and Zarr point time-series data are parsed to GeoDataset using the netcdf and zarr drivers. A typical netcdf or zarr point time-series dataset has the following structure with two (“time” and “index”) dimensions, where the index dimension has x and y coordinates. The time dimension and spatial coordinates are inferred from the data based on a list of recognized dimensions names.
Dimensions: (stations: N, time: NT)
* time (time)
* stations (stations)
lon (stations)
lat (stations)
Data variables:
waterlevel (time, stations)
To read a point time-series dataset from a multiple file netcdf archive the following data entry
is used, where the driver_kwargs
are passed to xarray.open_mfdataset()
(or xarray.open_zarr()
for zarr data).
In case the CRS cannot be inferred from the netcdf data it is defined here.
The path to multiple files can be set using a sting glob or several keys,
see description of the path
argument in the yaml file description.
In this example additional renaming and unit conversion preprocessing steps are added to
unify the data to match the HydroMT naming and unit terminology.
path: reanalysis-waterlevel-{year}-m{month:02d}.nc
data_type: GeoDataset
driver: netcdf
crs: 4326
chunks: {stations: 100, time: 1500}
combine: by_coords
decode_times: true
parallel: true
station_x_coordinate: lon
station_y_coordinate: lat
stations: index
category: ocean
paper_doi: 10.24381/cds.8c59054f
paper_ref: Copernicus Climate Change Service 2019
CSV point time-series data#
Point time-series data where the geospatial point geometries and time-series are saved in
separate (text) files are parsed to GeoDataset using the vector driver.
The GeoDataset must at least contain a location index with point geometries which is referred to by the path
The path may refer to both GIS vector data such as GeoJSON with only Point geometries
or tabulated point vector data such as csv files, see earlier examples for GeoDataFrame datasets.
Finally, certain binary formats such as parquet are also supported.
In addition a tabulated time-series text file can be passed to be used as a variable of the GeoDataset.
This data is added by a second file which is referred to using the fn_data
key-word argument.
The index of the time-series (in the columns header) and point locations must match.
For more options see the open_geodataset()
path: /path/to/stations.csv
data_type: GeoDataset
driver: vector
crs: 4326
fn_data: /path/to/stations_data.csv
Tabulated time series text file
This data is read using the open_timeseries_from_table()
method. To
read the time stamps the pandas.to_datetime()
method is used.
time, <ID1>, <ID2>
<time1>, <value>, <value>
<time2>, <value>, <value>
NetCDF time-series dataset (Dataset)#
Driver |
File formats |
Method |
Comments |
NetCDF and Zarr |
required time and index dimensions. |
Netcdf time-series dataset#
NetCDF and zarr timeseries data are parsed to Dataset with the netcdf and zarr drivers. The resulting dataset is similar to the GeoDataset except that it lacks a spatial dimension.
path: /path/to/timeseries.netcdf
data_type: Dataset
driver: netcdf
2D tabular data (DataFrame)#
Driver |
File formats |
Method |
Comments |
Comma-separated files (or using another delimiter) |
See |
Excel files |
If required, provide a sheet name through driver_kwargs |
Binary encoded columnar data format |
Fixed width delimited text files |
The formatting of these files can either be inferred or defined by the user, both through the driver_kwargs. |
Only 2-dimensional data tables are supported, please contact us through the issue list if you would like to have support for n-dimensional tables.
Supported files#
The DataFrameAdapter is quite flexible in supporting different types of tabular data formats. All drivers allow for flexible reading of files: for example both mapping tables and time series data are supported. Please note that for timeseries, the driver_kwargs need to be used to set the correct column for indexing, and formatting and parsing of datetime-strings. See the relevant pandas function for which arguments can be used. Also note that the csv driver is not restricted to comma-separated files, as the delimiter can be given to the reader through the driver_kwargs.
path: data/lulc/globcover_mapping.csv
data_type: DataFrame
driver: csv
category: parameter_mapping
header: null # null translates to None in Python -> no header
index_col: 0
parse_dates: false
The yml-parser does not correctly parses None arguments. When this is required, the null argument should be used instead. This is parsed to the Python code as a None.