Optional input

Here we provide an overview of all optional/ non essential settings that the user can provide to FIAT. These are listed in the table (Table 1) below.

Table 1: Settings.toml input (required and optional fields)
Field Type Default
crs string -
keep_temp_files boolean false
gdal_cache int -
crs string -
return_periods list -
subset string -
var_as_band boolean false
index string ‘Object ID’
crs string -
crs string -
var_as_band boolean false
step_size float 0.01
index string ‘water depth’


  • crs: Global projection for the model and the output. If not defined, the default crs for the model output is the same as the hazard map.

  • keep_temp_files: Permanently save the temporary file outputs. These are produced during the calculations.

  • gdal_cache: Set the cache used by GDAL.


The entry gdal_cache performs poorly and will probably be deprecated soon.


  • crs: Projection of the hazard data if it cannot be inferred from the dataset itself.

  • return_periods: Return periods for hazard calculation when they cannot be inferred from the data itself.


  • subset: Select a specific subdataset by supplying it’s ID (name) here.

  • var_as_band: Whether or not to read the subdatasets as classic raster band.


The entry var_as_band is only applicable to netCDF files.


  • index: Set the index column of the csv file. In case of the exposure csv, if no entry is provided then FIAT will default to ‘Object ID’.


  • crs: Projection of the exposure geometry data if it cannot be inferred from the dataset itself.


  • crs: Projection of the gridded exposure data if it cannot be inferred from the dataset itself.


  • var_as_band: Whether or not to read the subdatasets as classic raster band.

The entry var_as_band is only applicable to netCDF files.


  • step_size: The internal step size of the vulnerability data. The supplied data is interpolated or averaged depending on the minimal step size of the supplied dataset.


  • index: Set the index column of the csv file. In case of the vulnerability csv, if no entry is provided then FIAT will default to ‘water depth’.
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