
The user must set the model settings in the settings.toml configuration file.

Besides the necessary/ required setttings one can set:

Basic input

This section pertains to all input that is vital for running a FIAT model.

These inputs/ entries are listed in the table down below with more detailed information per entry underneath the table.


File paths in the settings can be relative to the settings.toml file or absolute.

Table 1: Most basic settings file input
Entry Type Required Default
path string Yes
name string No output.csv
name[n] string No spatial[n].gpkg
name string No
file string Yes
elevation_reference string Yes
risk boolean No false
file[n] string Yes
file string Yes
file string Yes


  • path: The path to the output folder in the working directory.


  • name: The path to the output CSV file that will be created, that contains the information from the exposure.csv and the damages per asset.


  • name[n]: This sets the name and location of the output vector file that contains the geometry, location and the damages per asset.

If provided, the suffix is mandatory. The suffix should match the suffix of the input geometry file for which it is set.


  • name: This sets the name and location of the output raster file that contains damages per grid cell.


  • file: The file path to the hazard file, can be a list of files.

  • elevation_reference: This indicates the elevation reference of the flood map. In case of a flood-depth map this should be “DEM” while in case of a flood-elevation map this should be “datum”.

  • risk: In case of a risk calculation this must be set to “true”, for a single events this must be set to “false”.


  • file[n]: The path to the exposure vector file (recommended to be within the exposure folder) with the assets’ geometry and Object ID. The user can provide multiple vector files. Therefore the ‘[n]’ suffix, as the user can create mulitple entries for vector files (e.g. file1, file2 etc.).

The suffix is mandatory. So if only one file is provided, name it file1.


  • file: The path to the exposure CSV file (recommended to be within the exposure folder) that contains the required information per asset. There can only be one exposure CSV file.


  • file: The path to the vulnerability curves CSV file within the vulnerability folder that contains the damage curves. Only one vulnerability curves file is allowed.


An example of settings file for running a geometry model is given below:

path = "output"

name = "output.csv"

name1 = "spatial.gpkg"

file = "hazard/SL_10yr_reprojected.tif"
elevation_reference = "DEM"
risk = false

file1 = "./exposure/buildings.gpkg"

file = "./exposure/exposure.csv"

file = "./vulnerability/vulnerability_curves.csv"
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