Exposure data

The exposure data describe the assets within the region of interest. FIAT allows vector and raster data inputs. It is recommended to place the exposure data in the ‘exposure’ folder, see the folder structure. However, the file name is free to be chosen by the user and must simply be refered to in the settings.toml configuration file.


You can also create your exposure data with the HydroMT-FIAT model builder

Types of Data

Because FIAT consists of two models, the exposure data can be supplied in either a vector format or in raster format

Vector data

FIAT can be used to assess flood damages to buildings, roads, utilities, and other types of structures of which data is available. These type of assets are often spatially represented with vector, or geometry data. Building a FIAT model with geometry exposure data requires two data types:

Raster Data


This functionality is in beta phase

Raster files must be pre-processed before being ingested into the FIAT model. Raster projection and extent must be coherent among exposure rasters and hazard maps. For each object type (e.g. residential buildings, industrial assets) a raster file with the max potential damage per cell is required. A damage function must be assigned to each raster file as well, linking with the damage function name in the meta data to the name in the vulnerability curves file.

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