API Reference



Two main components of working with FIAT.

FIAT Main FIAT Object.
ConfigReader Object holding information from a settings file.


The individual models of FIAT.

GeomModel Geometry model.
GridModel Grid model.


The hazard functions

ead.risk_density Calculate the risk density factors from return periods values.
ead.calc_ead Calculate the EAD (risk).
flood.calculate_hazard Calculate the hazard value for flood hazard.
flood.calculate_damage Calculate the damage corresponding with the hazard value.


Logging module of FIAT

spawn_logger Spawn a logger within a hierarchy.
setup_default_log Set up the base logger of a hierarchy.
setup_mp_log Set up logging for multiprocessing.
Logger Generate a logger.
Receiver Create a receiver for multiprocessing logging.


Geometry (vector)

Geometry specific methods

point_in_geom Create a point within a polygon.
reproject Reproject a geometry layer.

Grid (raster)

Grid specific methods

reproject Reproject (warp) a grid.


For combined vector and raster methods

clip Clip a grid based on a feature (vector).
clip_weighted Clip a grid based on a feature (vector), but weighted.
pin Pin a the value of a cell based on a coordinate.


Some utility for the GIS module (basic)

world2pixel Calculate the pixel location based on coordinates.
pixel2world Calculate coordinates based on pixel location.



Input/ output bound operations

merge_geom_layers Merge multiple vector layers into one file.
open_csv Open a csv file.
open_geom Open a geometry source file.
open_grid Open a grid source file.


Objects constructed from data

GeomSource A source object for geospatial vector data.
GridSource A source object for geospatial gridded data.
Grid A source object for a specific raster band.
Table Create a struct based on tabular data in a file.
TableLazy A lazy read of tabular data in a file.
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