
io.GridSource(self, file, chunk=None, subset=None, var_as_band=False, mode='r')

A source object for geospatial gridded data.

Essentially a gdal Dataset wrapper.


Name Type Description Default
file str The path to a file. required
chunk tuple Chunking size of the data. None
subset str The wanted subset of data. This is applicable to netCDF files containing multiple variables. None
var_as_band bool Whether to interpret the variables as bands. This is applicable to netCDF files containing multiple variables. False
mode str The I/O mode. Either r for reading or w for writing. 'r'


Can be indexed directly to get a Grid object.

# Open a file
gs = open_grid(< path-to-file >)

# Index it (take the first band)
grid = gs[1]


Name Description
bounds Return the bounds of the GridSource.
chunk Return the chunking size.
dtype Return the data types of the field data.
shape Return the shape of the grid.
shape_xy Return the shape of the grid.


Name Description
close Close the GridSource.
create Create a new data source.
create_band Create a new band.
deter_band_names Determine the names of the bands.
flush Flush the data.
get_band_name Get the name of a specific band.
get_band_names Get the names of all bands.
get_geotransform Return the geo transform of the grid.
get_srs Return the srs (Spatial Reference System) of the grid.
reopen Reopen a closed GridSource.
set_chunk_size Set the chunking size of the grid.
set_geotransform Set the geo transform of the grid.
set_srs Set the srs of the gird.
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