Supported formats

Settings file

For the settings file, only one format is supported:

Comma seperated values (CSV)

Your run of the mill csv files. As long as one provides the delimiter in the settings file, anything goes. For example:

  • comma
  • semicolon
  • tab

The amount of columns are determined by length of the header or the first line of data.

Geometry files

Below a list is presented of supported drivers in regards to the vector files:

Table 1: Available drivers for vector data
File extension Driver Long name
Memory Memory
.000 S57 IHO S-57 (ENC)
.bag BAG Bathymetry Attributed Grid
.csv CSV Comma Separated Value (.csv)
.dgn DGN Microstation DGN
.dwg CAD AutoCAD Driver
.dxf DXF AutoCAD DXF
.fgb FlatGeobuf FlatGeobuf
.fits FITS Flexible Image Transport System
.gdb OpenFileGDB ESRI FileGDB
.geojson GeoJSON GeoJSON
.geojsons GeoJSONSeq GeoJSON Sequence
.gml GML Geography Markup Language (GML)
.gmt OGR_GMT GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt)
.gpkg GPKG GeoPackage
.gpx GPX GPX
.igc GPSBabel GPSBabel
.ili Interlis 2 Interlis 2
.json JSONFG OGC Features and Geometries JSON
.kml KML Keyhole Markup Language (KML)
.kmz LIBKML Keyhole Markup Language (LIBKML)
.map WAsP WAsP .map format
.mbtiles MBTiles MBTiles
.mid MapInfo File MapInfo File
.mvt MVT Mapbox Vector Tiles
.nc netCDF Network Common Data Format
.ods ODS Open Document/ LibreOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet
.pdf PDF Geospatial PDF
.pix PCIDSK PCIDSK Database File
.pmtiles PMTiles ProtoMap Tiles
.shp ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile
.sql PGDUMP PostgreSQL SQL dump
.sqlite SQLite SQLite / Spatialite
.txt Geoconcept Geoconcept
.x10 VDV VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format
.xlsx XLSX MS Office Open XML spreadsheet
.xml PDS4 NASA Planetary Data System 4

Gridded data files

Below a list is presented of supported drivers in regards to the raster files:

Table 2: Available drivers for gridded data
File extension Driver Long name
MEM In Memory Raster
.asc AAIGrid Arc/Info ASCII Grid
.bag BAG Bathymetry Attributed Grid
.bil EHdr ESRI .hdr Labelled
.blx BLX Magellan topo (.blx)
.bmp BMP MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
.bt BT VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
.byn BYN Natural Resources Canada's Geoid
.ct1 CALS CALS (Type 1)
.cub ISIS3 USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)
.dat ZMap ZMap Plus Grid
.dt2 DTED DTED Elevation Raster
.ers ERS ERMapper .ers Labelled
.fits FITS Flexible Image Transport System
.gdb OpenFileGDB ESRI FileGDB
.gen ADRG ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
.gif GIF Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
.gpkg GPKG GeoPackage
.grd NWT_GRD Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab
.grib2 GRIB GRIdded Binary (.grb, .grb2)
.gtx GTX NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX
.gvb NTv2 NTv2 Datum Grid Shift
.hdr MFF Vexcel MFF Raster
.hf2 HF2 HF2/HFZ heightfield raster
.hgt SRTMHGT SRTMHGT File Format
.img HFA Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
.jp2 JP2OpenJPEG JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library
.kea KEA KEA Image Format (.kea)
.kmz KMLSUPEROVERLAY Kml Super Overlay
.kro KRO KOLOR Raw
.lcp LCP FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)
.map PCRaster PCRaster Raster File
.mbtiles MBTiles MBTiles
.mpl ILWIS ILWIS Raster Map
.mrf MRF Meta Raster Format
.nc netCDF Network Common Data Format
.ntf NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
.pdf PDF Geospatial PDF
.pix PCIDSK PCIDSK Database File
.png PNG Portable Network Graphics
.pnm PNM Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
.rda R R Object Data Store
.rgb SGI SGI Image File Format 1.0
.rst RST Idrisi Raster A.1
.rsw RMF Raster Matrix Format
.sg-grd-z SAGA SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat, .sg-grd-z)
.sigdem SIGDEM Scaled Integer Gridded DEM .sigdem
.sqlite Rasterlite Rasterlite
.ter Terragen Terragen heightfield
.tif GTiff GeoTIFF
.tiff COG Cloud optimized GeoTIFF generator
.vrt VRT Virtual Raster
.xml PDS4 NASA Planetary Data System 4
.xpm XPM X11 PixMap Format
.xyz XYZ ASCII Gridded XYZ
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