
FiatModel.setup_vulnerability(vulnerability_fn: str | Path, vulnerability_identifiers_and_linking_fn: str | Path, unit: str, functions_mean: str | List[str] | None = 'default', functions_max: str | List[str] | None = None, step_size: float | None = None, continent: str | None = None) None[source]#

Setup the vulnerability curves from various possible inputs.

  • vulnerability_fn (Union[str, Path]) – The (relative) path or ID from the data catalog to the source of the vulnerability functions.

  • vulnerability_identifiers_and_linking_fn (Union[str, Path]) – The (relative) path to the table that links the vulnerability functions and exposure categories.

  • unit (str) – The unit of the vulnerability functions.

  • functions_mean (Union[str, List[str], None], optional) – The name(s) of the vulnerability functions that should use the mean hazard value when using the area extraction method, by default “default” (this means that all vulnerability functions are using mean).

  • functions_max (Union[str, List[str], None], optional) – The name(s) of the vulnerability functions that should use the maximum hazard value when using the area extraction method, by default None (this means that all vulnerability functions are using mean).