
FiatModel.get_config(*args, fallback=None, abs_path: bool | None = False)#

Get a config value at key(s).

  • args (tuple or string) – keys can given by multiple args: (‘key1’, ‘key2’) or a string with ‘.’ indicating a new level: (‘key1.key2’)

  • fallback (any, optional) – fallback value if key(s) not found in config, by default None.

  • abs_path (bool, optional) – If True return the absolute path relative to the model root, by deafult False. NOTE: this assumes the config is located in model root!


value – dictionary value

Return type:

any type


>> # self.config = {‘a’: 1, ‘b’: {‘c’: {‘d’: 2}}}

>> get_config(‘a’) >> 1

>> get_config(‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’) # identical to get_config(‘b.c.d’) >> 2

>> get_config(‘b.c’) # # identical to get_config(‘b’,’c’) >> {‘d’: 2}