User Guide#

With the HydroMT-FIAT plugin, you can easily work with Delft-FIAT model schematizations. This plugin helps you preparing or updating several model components of a Delft-FIAT model such as the hazard, exposure and vulnerability data.

When building a model from command line, a model setup configuration file (.yml ) and, optionally, a model region (e.g., a bounding box bbox or hazard map grid) and a data_catalog (.yml) file should be prepared.

The Delft-FIAT model methods are available from the HydroMT Command Line and Python Interfaces and allow you to build or update Delft-FIAT model schematizations.

Built-in data sources are available for the exposure and vulnerability components, see the available Data Sources.

For python users, all FIAT attributes and methods are available, see the API reference.


Vector data#

Exposure data can be build from a data_catalog, a data API key, or by supplying an absolute path to local data on the user’s machine. The asset_locations, occupancy_type, and max_potential_damage data should be provided as a vector file (e.g. .shp or .gpkg). The ground_floor_height can currently only be set to a single value (this will be updated soon!). The damage_types should be provided as a list of strings (e.g. [“structure”, “content”]). The unit should be provided as a string (e.g. “meters”). See below how the setup_exposure_buildings method can be used to build or update the exposure data:

asset_locations = <Key in the Data Catalog, data API key, or path to local data>
occupancy_type = <Key in the Data Catalog, data API key, or path to local data>
damage_types = <List of damage types, e.g. ["structure", "content"]>
max_potential_damage = <Key in the Data Catalog, data API key, or path to local data>
ground_floor_height = <For now only a number can be entered here for uniform ground floor heights>
unit = <The unit of the values in the exposure data inputs, e.g. if the ground floor height in meters, "meters">

The following method is used to build or update the exposure data:

FiatModel.setup_exposure_buildings(...[, ...])

Setup building exposure (vector) data for Delft-FIAT.

For more information, see the Exposure Module for Vector data.

Raster data#

This option will be implemented at a later stage.

Aggregation Zones#

In spatial analysis and urban planning the division of objects into spatial zones, such as land-use or accommodation type, is a pivotal tool to facilitate analysis and/or visualization. The FIAT toolbox offers simple tools to assign aggregation labels to the exposure.csv file, after calculating damages with FIAT toolbox. Subsequental, the FIAT toolbox can be used to automatically calculate metrics over the aggregation areas. The user can add multiple aggregation labels at once by providing vector files for each zone (e.g., .shp or .gpkg).

To associate the original exposure data with the aggregation zones, the “join_exposure_aggregation_areas” function can be utilized. This function seamlessly links each geometry in the original exposure data to its corresponding spatial aggregation zone. To prepare the data, an aggregation configuration file (.yml) must be created with the following information (case-sensitive):

Input yaml file:
  • new_root: Path to the output folder

  • aggregation_area_fn: Path to the aggregation file

  • attribute_names: Name of the zone attribute in your file

  • label_names: Desired aggregation label for newly created aggregation zone

In case the user wants to add several aggregation zones at once, multiple aggregation files can be provided in a list. Each variable (file path, attribute name, label name) must follow the same order to assure that attribute and label names are assigned to the correct aggregation file:

[Example configuration yaml file for two aggregation zone files.]

Title: "Base_zones and Land_use aggregation zones"
new_root: "./fiat_model/output/aggregation_zones"
      - "./agg_zones/base_zone_aggregation.shp"
      - "./agg_zones/land_use_aggregation.shp"
      - "ZONE_BASE"
      - "LAND_USE"
      - "Base Zone"
      - "Land Use"

After loading the configuration file (.yml) and executing the FIAT Hydro MT model builder, the user receives a file (.csv) with the original exposure data and an additional column with the aggregation label(s) as output. The FIAT toolbox will automatically prepend “Aggregation Label” to the prior specified aggregation label, therefore the aggregation labels can be identified as such.

Aggregation Label: {label_name}

Note: It may occur that polygons overlap in the aggregation vector files. In this case the information for the affected object_id will be merged and both aggregation zones will be assigned to the object.

object_id   Zone

1           Base Zone 1
2           Land Use 1, Land Use 3    >  two zones (polygons) in the land-use aggregation file overlap and object
                                         falls into both zones
3           Land Use 2


Vulnerability data can be build from a data_catalog or by supplying an absolute path to local data on the user’s machine. The vulnerability_fn and vulnerability_identifiers_and_linking_fn data should be provided as a csv file (.csv). The functions_mean and functions_max parameters can be used when an aereal calculation is done (i.e., taking the hazard value over the whole area of the building footprint or over the whole length of the linestring). The user can use one of the parameters as a default by setting it to “default”. If required, the user can provide the names of the damage functions as a list to functions_mean or functions_max to respectively use the mean or max hazard value for all assets that use that damage function. The damage_types should be provided as a list of strings (e.g. [“structure”, “content”]). The unit should be provided as a string (e.g. “meters”). The step_size should be provided as a float (e.g. 0.01). See below how the setup_vulnerability method can be used to build or update the exposure data:

vulnerability_fn = <Key in the Data Catalog or absolute path to local data>
vulnerability_identifiers_and_linking_fn = <Key in the Data Catalog or absolute path to local data>
functions_mean = <List of functions to use the mean water depth or level for, or "default" when using the mean should be used for all damage functions>
functions_max = <List of functions to use the mean water depth or level for, or "default" when using the mean should be used for all damage functions>
unit = <The unit of the values in the vulnerability data inputs, e.g. if the water depth is in meters, "m">
step_size = <The step size Delft-FIAT should use to interpolate the values in the damage functions, this is set to 0.01 by default>

The following methods can be used to build or update the vulnerability data:

FiatModel.setup_vulnerability(...[, ...])

Setup the vulnerability curves from various possible inputs.


Setup the vulnerability curves from one or multiple csv files.

For more information, see the Vulnerability Module.


The following methods can be used to build or update the hazard data:

FiatModel.setup_hazard(map_fn, map_type[, ...])

Set up hazard maps.

For more information, see the Hazard Module.

Social Vulnerability Index#

The following methods can be used to build or update the Social Vulnerability Index data:


Setup the social vulnerability index for the vector exposure data for Delft-FIAT.

For more information, see the Social Vulnerability Index Module.

Output and run settings#

The following methods are available to set up the output and run settings for Delft-FIAT:

FiatModel.setup_global_settings([crs, ...])

Setup Delft-FIAT global settings.

FiatModel.setup_output([output_dir, ...])

Setup Delft-FIAT output folder and files.