Vulnerability Module#

The vulnerability module contains functions to select vulnerability curves from existing (pre-defined) sources and transform them to a common Delft-FIAT format, see vulnerability_format. The currently available sources are JRC Global flood depth-damage functions and hazus.

Note that the terms vulnerability curves and damage functions are used interchangeably in this module and documentation.

Vulnerability CSV format#

The format of a Delft-FIAT vulnerability curve database is a csv file structured as follows:

Format vulnerability curves

The first row contains the unit of the hazard values that are specified in the first column. The second row contains the method (mean or max) that should be used by FIAT to compute the hazard value for each asset when an aereal extraction method is used. This method links to the vulnerability curve specified in the same column below. For example, if the method of a certain vulnerability curves is set to max, the maximum value of the hazard values under the assets using that curve will be used to compute the damage. The third row contains the name of the hazard and names of the damage functions.