JRC Global flood depth-damage functions#

Users of HydroMT-FIAT can directly and easily make use of the JRC Global flood depth-damage functions and replacement values [1]. The functions and values can be used only together with the hydromt_fiat_catalog_global.yml and by providing the following values in the configuration file:

vulnerability_fn = "jrc_vulnerability_curves"
vulnerability_identifiers_and_linking_fn = "jrc_vulnerability_curves_linking"
unit = "m"

max_potential_damage = "jrc_damage_values"
unit = "m"

The JRC Global flood depth-damage functions and replacement values are processed into an easy-to-use format for HydroMT-FIAT and stored in the hydromt_fiat/data folder.

[1] Huizinga, J., De Moel, H. and Szewczyk, W., Global flood depth-damage functions: Methodology and the database with guidelines, EUR 28552 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-67781-6, doi:10.2760/16510, JRC105688.