National Structure Inventory (USA)#

For projects in the United States, users of HydroMT-FIAT can directly and easily make use of the National Structure Inventory (NSI). The user can access the data through providing ‘NSI’ in the configuration file as such:

asset_locations = "NSI"
occupancy_type = "NSI"
max_potential_damage = "NSI"

The following attributes for Delft-FIAT (left-hand side) will be filled with data from the corresponding NSI fields (right-hand side):

"object_id": "fd_id",
"object_name": "fd_id",
"primary_object_type": "st_damcat",
"secondary_object_type": "occtype",
"max_damage_structure": "val_struct",
"max_damage_content": "val_cont",
"ground_elevtn": "ground_el",
"X Coordinate": "x",
"Y Coordinate": "y",
"Aggregation Label: Census Block": "cbfips"

HydroMT-FIAT obtains the NSI data of the area of interest through the NSI API.

For more information about this data we refer to their online Technical Documentation.