
FiatModel.setup_social_vulnerability_index(census_key: str, codebook_fn: str | Path, year_data: int | None = None, save_all: bool = False)[source]#

Setup the social vulnerability index for the vector exposure data for Delft-FIAT. This method has so far only been tested with US Census data but aims to be generalized to other datasets as well.

  • path_dataset (str) – The path to a predefined dataset

  • census_key (str) – The user’s unique Census key that they got from the census.gov website (https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html) to be able to download the Census data

  • codebook_fn (Union[str, Path]) – The path to the codebook excel

  • year_data (int) – The year of which the census data should be downloaded, 2020, 2021, or 2022

  • save_all (bool) – If True, all (normalized) data variables are saved, if False, only the SVI column is added to the FIAT exposure data. By default False.