
FiatModel.build(region: dict | None = None, write: bool | None = True, opt: dict | None = None)#

Single method to build a model from scratch based on settings in opt.

Methods will be run one by one based on the order of appearance in opt (.ini configuration file). All model methods are supported including setup_*, read_* and write_* methods.

If a write_* option is listed in opt (ini file) the full writing of the model at the end of the update process is skipped.

  • region (dict) – Description of model region. See parse_region() for all options.

  • write (bool, optional) – Write complete model after executing all methods in opt, by default True.

  • opt (dict, optional) –

    Model build configuration. The configuration can be parsed from a .ini file using configread(). This is a nested dictionary where the first-level keys are the names of model specific methods and the second-level contain argument-value pairs of the method.

        <name of method1>: {
            <argument1>: <value1>, <argument2>: <value2>
        <name of method2>: {