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Example: Reading vector data#

This example illustrates the how to read raster data using the HydroMT DataCatalog with the vector or vector_table drivers.

# import hydromt and setup logging
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import hydromt
from hydromt.log import setuplog

logger = setuplog("read vector data", log_level=10)
2024-06-14 08:21:24,679 - read vector data - log - INFO - HydroMT version: 0.10.0
# Download artifacts for the Piave basin to `~/.hydromt_data/`.
data_catalog = hydromt.DataCatalog(logger=logger, data_libs=["artifact_data=v0.0.8"])
2024-06-14 08:21:24,725 - read vector data - data_catalog - INFO - Reading data catalog artifact_data v0.0.8
2024-06-14 08:21:24,725 - read vector data - data_catalog - INFO - Parsing data catalog from /home/runner/.hydromt_data/artifact_data/v0.0.8/data_catalog.yml

Vector driver#

To read vector data and parse it into a geopandas.GeoDataFrame object we use the geopandas.read_file method, see the geopandas documentation for details. Geopandas supports many file formats, see below. For large datasets we recommend using data formats which contain a spatial index, such as ‘GeoPackage (GPKG)’ or ‘FlatGeoBuf’ to speed up reading spatial subsets of the data.

# uncomment to see list of supported file formats
# import fiona
# print(list(fiona.supported_drivers.keys()))

Here we use a spatial subset of the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM) level 3 units.

# inspect data source entry in data catalog yaml file
crs: 4326
data_type: GeoDataFrame
driver: vector
  category: geography
  notes: last downloaded 2020-10-19; license required for commercial use
  source_author: gadm
  source_license: https://gadm.org/license.html
  source_url: https://gadm.org/download_world.html
  source_version: 1.0
path: /home/runner/.hydromt_data/artifact_data/v0.0.8/data.tar/gadm_level3.gpkg

We can load any GeoDataFrame using the get_geodataframe() method of the DataCatalog. Note that if we don’t provide any arguments it returns the full dataset with nine data variables and for the full spatial domain. Only the data coordinates are actually read, the data variables are still loaded lazy.

gdf = data_catalog.get_geodataframe("gadm_level3")
print(f"number of rows: {gdf.index.size}")
2024-06-14 08:21:25,334 - read vector data - geodataframe - INFO - Reading gadm_level3 vector data from /home/runner/.hydromt_data/artifact_data/v0.0.8/data.tar/gadm_level3.gpkg
number of rows: 509
0 ITA Italy ITA.17_1 Trentino-Alto Adige None ITA.17.2_1 Trento None ITA.17.2.143_1 Predazzo None None Commune Commune None IT.TN.PA MULTIPOLYGON (((11.74692 46.30762, 11.74614 46...
1 ITA Italy ITA.17_1 Trentino-Alto Adige None ITA.17.2_1 Trento None ITA.17.2.115_1 Moena None None Commune Commune None IT.TN.MN MULTIPOLYGON (((11.82119 46.37751, 11.82013 46...
2 ITA Italy ITA.17_1 Trentino-Alto Adige None ITA.17.2_1 Trento None ITA.17.2.214_1 Vigo Di Fassa None None Commune Commune None IT.TN.VD MULTIPOLYGON (((11.62028 46.43951, 11.62063 46...
3 ITA Italy ITA.17_1 Trentino-Alto Adige None ITA.17.2_1 Trento None ITA.17.2.36_1 Canal San Bovo None None Commune Commune None IT.TN.CB MULTIPOLYGON (((11.75179 46.10603, 11.75210 46...
4 ITA Italy ITA.17_1 Trentino-Alto Adige None ITA.17.2_1 Trento None ITA.17.2.141_1 Pozza Di Fassa None None Commune Commune None IT.TN.PF MULTIPOLYGON (((11.70521 46.40100, 11.70519 46...

We can request a (spatial) subset data by providing additional variables and bbox / geom arguments. Note that this returns less polygons (rows) and only two columns with attribute data,

gdf_subset = data_catalog.get_geodataframe(
    "gadm_level3", bbox=gdf[:5].total_bounds, variables=["GID_0", "NAME_3"]
print(f"number of rows: {gdf_subset.index.size}")
2024-06-14 08:21:25,529 - read vector data - geodataframe - INFO - Reading gadm_level3 vector data from /home/runner/.hydromt_data/artifact_data/v0.0.8/data.tar/gadm_level3.gpkg
2024-06-14 08:21:25,552 - read vector data - geodataframe - DEBUG - Clip intersects [11.557, 46.096, 11.851, 46.477] (EPSG:4326)
number of rows: 28
GID_0 NAME_3 geometry
0 ITA Tonadico MULTIPOLYGON (((11.84245 46.30723, 11.83778 46...
1 ITA Siror MULTIPOLYGON (((11.86518 46.27297, 11.86086 46...
2 ITA Ziano Di Fiemme MULTIPOLYGON (((11.55856 46.32783, 11.56022 46...
3 ITA Predazzo MULTIPOLYGON (((11.74692 46.30762, 11.74614 46...
4 ITA Canale d' Agordo MULTIPOLYGON (((11.86518 46.27297, 11.86392 46...

Vector_table driver#

To read point vector data from a table (csv, xls or xlsx) we use the open_vector_from_table method.

# create example point CSV data with funny `x` coordinate name and additional column
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

fn = "tmpdir/xy.csv"
df = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=["x_centroid", "y"],
    data=np.vstack([gdf_subset.centroid.x, gdf_subset.centroid.y]).T,
df["name"] = gdf_subset["NAME_3"]
df.to_csv(fn)  # write to file
x_centroid y name
0 11.838395 46.266421 Tonadico
1 11.790629 46.250124 Siror
2 11.583526 46.271041 Ziano Di Fiemme
3 11.644162 46.313247 Predazzo
4 11.885507 46.328140 Canale d' Agordo
# Create data source entry for the data catalog for the new csv data
# NOTE that we add specify the name of the x coordinate with the `x_dim` argument, while the y coordinate is understood by HydroMT.
data_source = {
    "GADM_level3_centroids": {
        "path": fn,
        "data_type": "GeoDataFrame",
        "driver": "vector_table",
        "crs": 4326,
        "driver_kwargs": {"x_dim": "x_centroid"},
crs: 4326
data_type: GeoDataFrame
driver: vector_table
  x_dim: x_centroid
path: /home/runner/work/hydromt/hydromt/docs/_examples/tmpdir/xy.csv
# we can then read the data back as a GeoDataFrame
gdf_centroid = data_catalog.get_geodataframe("GADM_level3_centroids")
print(f"CRS: {gdf_centroid.crs}")
2024-06-14 08:21:25,800 - read vector data - geodataframe - INFO - Reading GADM_level3_centroids vector_table data from /home/runner/work/hydromt/hydromt/docs/_examples/tmpdir/xy.csv
CRS: EPSG:4326
name geometry
0 Tonadico POINT (11.83840 46.26642)
1 Siror POINT (11.79063 46.25012)
2 Ziano Di Fiemme POINT (11.58353 46.27104)
3 Predazzo POINT (11.64416 46.31325)
4 Canale d' Agordo POINT (11.88551 46.32814)

Visualize vector data#

The data can be visualized with the .plot() geopandas method. In an interactive environment you can also try the .explore() method

# m = gdf.explore(width='20%', height='50%')
# gdf_subset.explore(m=m, color='red')  # subset in red
# m

ax = gdf.plot()
gdf_subset.plot(ax=ax, color="red")
gdf_centroid.plot(ax=ax, color="k")
<Axes: >