
class hydromt.data_catalog.DataCatalog(data_libs: ~typing.List | str | None = None, fallback_lib: str | None = 'artifact_data', logger=<Logger hydromt.data_catalog (WARNING)>, cache: bool | None = False, cache_dir: str | None = None, **artifact_keys)[source]#

Base class for the data catalog object.

Catalog of DataAdapter sources.

Helps to easily read from different files and keep track of files which have been accessed.

  • data_libs ((list of) str, Path, optional) – One or more paths to data catalog configuration files or names of predefined data catalogs. By default the data catalog is initiated without data entries. See from_yml() for accepted yaml format.

  • fallback_lib – Name of pre-defined data catalog to read if no data_libs are provided, by default ‘artifact_data’. If None, no default data catalog is used.

  • cache (bool, optional) – Set to true to cache data locally before reading. Currently only implemented for tiled rasterdatasets, by default False.

  • cache_dir (str, Path, optional) – Folder root path to cach data to, by default ~/.hydromt_data

  • artifact_keys – Deprecated from version v0.5

  • logger (logger object, optional) – The logger object used for logging messages. If not provided, the default logger will be used.

__init__(data_libs: ~typing.List | str | None = None, fallback_lib: str | None = 'artifact_data', logger=<Logger hydromt.data_catalog (WARNING)>, cache: bool | None = False, cache_dir: str | None = None, **artifact_keys) None[source]#

Catalog of DataAdapter sources.

Helps to easily read from different files and keep track of files which have been accessed.

  • data_libs ((list of) str, Path, optional) – One or more paths to data catalog configuration files or names of predefined data catalogs. By default the data catalog is initiated without data entries. See from_yml() for accepted yaml format.

  • fallback_lib – Name of pre-defined data catalog to read if no data_libs are provided, by default ‘artifact_data’. If None, no default data catalog is used.

  • cache (bool, optional) – Set to true to cache data locally before reading. Currently only implemented for tiled rasterdatasets, by default False.

  • cache_dir (str, Path, optional) – Folder root path to cach data to, by default ~/.hydromt_data

  • artifact_keys – Deprecated from version v0.5

  • logger (logger object, optional) – The logger object used for logging messages. If not provided, the default logger will be used.


__init__([data_libs, fallback_lib, logger, ...])

Catalog of DataAdapter sources.

add_source(source, adapter)

Add a new data source to the data catalog.

contains_source(source[, provider, version, ...])

Check if source is in catalog.

export_data(data_root[, bbox, time_tuple, ...])

Export a data slice of each dataset and a data_catalog.yml file to disk.

from_dict(data_dict[, catalog_name, root, ...])

Add data sources based on dictionary.

from_predefined_catalogs(name[, version])

Add data sources from a predefined data catalog.

from_stac_catalog(stac_like[, on_error])

Write data catalog to STAC format.

from_yml(urlpath[, root, catalog_name, ...])

Add data sources based on yaml file.

get_dataframe(data_like[, variables, ...])

Return a unified and sliced DataFrame.

get_dataset(data_like[, variables, ...])

Return a clipped, sliced and unified Dataset.

get_geodataframe(data_like[, bbox, geom, ...])

Return a clipped and unified GeoDataFrame (vector).

get_geodataset(data_like[, bbox, geom, ...])

Return a clipped, sliced and unified GeoDataset.

get_rasterdataset(data_like[, bbox, geom, ...])

Return a clipped, sliced and unified RasterDataset.

get_source(source[, provider, version])

Return a data source.

get_source_bbox(source[, provider, version, ...])

Retrieve the bounding box and crs of the source.


Return a list of all available data source names.

get_source_time_range(source[, provider, ...])

Detect the temporal range of the dataset.


Return a flat list of all available data sources.


Return data catalog summary as DataFrame.

to_dict([source_names, root, meta, used_only])

Export the data catalog to a dictionary.

to_stac_catalog(root[, source_names, meta, ...])

Write data catalog to STAC format.

to_yml(path[, root, source_names, ...])

Write data catalog to yaml format.


Add data sources to library or update them.


Add data sources to library or update them.



Returns list of data source names.


Return all predefined catalogs.


Returns dictionary of DataAdapter sources.