
hydromt_wflow.workflows.soilgrids_brooks_corey(ds: ~xarray.core.dataset.Dataset, ds_like: ~xarray.core.dataset.Dataset, soil_fn: str = 'soilgrids', wflow_layers: ~typing.List[int] = [100, 300, 800], logger=<Logger hydromt_wflow.workflows.soilgrids (WARNING)>)[source]#

Determine Brooks Corey coefficient per wflow soil layer depth.

First pore size distribution index is computed based on theta_s and other soil parameters and scaled to the model resolution.

Then the Brooks Corey coefficient is computed for each wflow soil layer depth by weighted averaging the pore size distribution index over the soil thickness.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset containing soil properties.

  • ds_like (xarray.DataArray) – Dataset at model resolution.

  • soil_fn (str) – soilgrids version {‘soilgrids’, ‘soilgrids_2020’}

  • wflow_layers (list) – List of wflow soil layer depths [cm] over which c is calculated.


ds_out – Dataset containing c for the wflow_sbm soil layers.

Return type:
