
WflowSedimentModel.setup_config_output_timeseries(mapname: str, toml_output: str | None = 'csv', header: List[str] | None = ['Q'], param: List[str] | None = ['lateral.river.q_av'], reducer: List[str] | None = None)#

Set the default gauge map based on basin outlets.

Adds model layers:

  • csv.column config: csv timeseries to save based on mapname locations

  • netcdf.variable config: netcdf timeseries to save based on mapname locations

  • mapname (str) – Name of the gauge map (in staticmaps.nc) to use for scalar output.

  • toml_output (str, optional) – One of [‘csv’, ‘netcdf’, None] to update [csv] or [netcdf] section of wflow toml file or do nothing. By default, ‘csv’.

  • header (list, optional) – Save specific model parameters in csv section. This option defines the header of the csv file. By default saves Q (for lateral.river.q_av).

  • param (list, optional) – Save specific model parameters in csv section. This option defines the wflow variable corresponding to the names in gauge_toml_header. By default saves lateral.river.q_av (for Q).

  • reducer (list, optional) – If map is an area rather than a point location, provides the reducer for the parameters to save. By default None.