
WflowModel.setup_lakes(lakes_fn: str | Path | GeoDataFrame, rating_curve_fns: List[str | Path | DataFrame] = None, min_area: float = 10.0, add_maxstorage: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Generate maps of lake areas and outlets.

Also meant to generate parameters with average lake area, depth and discharge values. The data is generated from features with min_area [km2] (default 1 km2) from a database with lake geometry, IDs and metadata. Data required are lake ID ‘waterbody_id’, average area ‘Area_avg’ [m2], average volume ‘Vol_avg’ [m3], average depth ‘Depth_avg’ [m] and average discharge ‘Dis_avg’ [m3/s].

If rating curve data is available for storage and discharge they can be prepared via rating_curve_fns (see below for syntax and requirements). Else the parameters ‘Lake_b’ and ‘Lake_e’ will be used for discharge and for storage a rectangular profile lake is assumed. See Wflow documentation for more information.

If add_maxstorage is True, the maximum storage of the lake is added to the output (controlled lake) based on ‘Vol_max’ [m3] column of lakes_fn.

Adds model layers:

  • wflow_lakeareas map: lake IDs [-]

  • wflow_lakelocs map: lake IDs at outlet locations [-]

  • LakeArea map: lake area [m2]

  • LakeAvgLevel map: lake average water level [m]

  • LakeAvgOut map: lake average discharge [m3/s]

  • Lake_b map: lake rating curve coefficient [-]

  • LakeOutflowFunc map: option to compute rating curve [-]

  • LakeStorFunc map: option to compute storage curve [-]

  • LakeMaxStorage map: optional, maximum storage of lake [m3]

  • lakes geom: polygon with lakes and wflow lake parameters

  • lakes_fn

    Name of GeoDataFrame source for lake parameters, see data/data_sources.yml.

    • Required variables for direct use: ‘waterbody_id’ [-], ‘Area_avg’ [m2], ‘Depth_avg’ [m], ‘Dis_avg’ [m3/s], ‘Lake_b’ [-], ‘Lake_e’ [-], ‘LakeOutflowFunc’ [-], ‘LakeStorFunc’ [-], ‘LakeThreshold’ [m], ‘LinkedLakeLocs’ [-]

    • Required variables for parameter estimation: ‘waterbody_id’ [-], ‘Area_avg’ [m2], ‘Vol_avg’ [m3], ‘Depth_avg’ [m], ‘Dis_avg’[m3/s]

  • rating_curve_fns (str, Path, pandas.DataFrame, List, optional) –

    Data catalog entry/entries, path(s) or pandas.DataFrame containing rating curve values for lakes. If None then will be derived from properties of lakes_fn. Assumes one file per lake (with all variables) and that the lake ID is either in the filename or data catalog entry name (eg using placeholder). The ID should be placed at the end separated by an underscore (eg ‘rating_curve_12.csv’ or ‘rating_curve_12’)

    • Required variables for storage curve: ‘elevtn’ [m+REF], ‘volume’ [m3]

    • Required variables for rating curve: ‘elevtn’ [m+REF], ‘discharge’ [m3/s]

  • min_area (float, optional) – Minimum lake area threshold [km2], by default 10.0 km2.

  • add_maxstorage (bool, optional) – If True, maximum storage of the lake is added to the output (controlled lake) based on ‘Vol_max’ [m3] column of lakes_fn. By default False (natural lake).

  • kwargs (optional) – Keyword arguments passed to the method hydromt.DataCatalog.get_rasterdataset()