
WflowModel.setup_floodplains(hydrography_fn: str | Dataset, floodplain_type: str, river_upa: float | None = None, flood_depths: List = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], elevtn_map: str = 'wflow_dem', connectivity: int = 4)[source]#

Add floodplain information to the model schematisation.

The user can define what type of floodplains are required (1D or 2D), through the floodplain_type argument.

If floodplain_type is set to “1d”, a floodplain profile is derived for every river cell. It adds a map with floodplain volume per flood depth, which is used in the wflow 1D floodplain schematisation.

Note, it is important to use the same river uparea value as used in the setup_rivers() method.

If floodplain_type is set to “2d”, this component adds a hydrologically conditioned elevation (hydrodem) map for land routing (local-inertial). For this options, landcells need to be conditioned to D4 flow directions otherwise pits may remain in the land cells.

The conditioned elevation can be based on the average cell elevation (“wflow_dem”) or subgrid outlet pixel elevation (“dem_subgrid”). Note that the subgrid elevation will likely overestimate the floodplain storage capacity.

Additionally, note that the same input elevation map should be used for river bankfull elevation and land elevation when using local-inertial land routing.

Requires setup_rivers() to be executed beforehand (with river_routing set to “local-inertial”).

Adds model layers:

  • floodplain_volume map: map with floodplain volumes, has flood depth as third dimension [m3] (for 1D floodplains)

  • hydrodem map: hydrologically conditioned elevation [m+REF] (for 2D floodplains)

  • floodplain_type ({"1d", "2d"}) – Option defining the type of floodplains, see below what arguments are related to the different floodplain types

  • hydrography_fn (str, Path, xarray.Dataset) –

    Name of RasterDataset source for hydrography data. Must be same as setup_basemaps for consistent results.

    • Required variables: [‘flwdir’, ‘uparea’, ‘elevtn’]

  • river_upa (float, optional) – (1D floodplains) minimum upstream area threshold for drain in the HAND. Optional value, as it is inferred from the grid metadata, to be consistent with setup_rivers.

  • flood_depths (tuple of float, optional) – (1D floodplains) flood depths at which a volume is derived. By default [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]

  • elevtn_map ({"wflow_dem", "dem_subgrid"}) – (2D floodplains) Name of staticmap to hydrologically condition. By default “wflow_dem”

See also

workflows.river_floodplain_volume, hydromt.flw.dem_adjust, pyflwdir.FlwdirRaster.dem_adjust, setup_rivers