Parameters lateral concepts

Kinematic wave

Surface flow

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct SurfaceFlowRiver used for river flow, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river] to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The input parameter slope (listed under [input.lateral.river]) is not equal to the internal model parameter sl, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

betaconstant in Manning's equation--
sl (slope)slopem m$^{-1}$-
nManning's roughnesss m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$0.036
qdischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qininflow from upstream cellsm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
q_avaverage dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qlatlateral inflow per unit lengthm$^2$ s$^{-1}$-
inwaterlateral inflowm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
inflowexternal inflow (abstraction/supply/demand)m$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
inflow_wbinflow waterbody (lake or reservoir model) from land partm$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
abstractionabstraction (computed as part of water demand and allocation)m$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
volumekinematic wave volumem$^3$-
hwater levelm-
h_avaverage water levelm-
bankfull_depthbankfull river depthm1.0
dtmodel time steps-
itsnumber of fixed iterations--
alpha_powused in the power part of $\alpha$--
alpha_termterm used in computation of $\alpha$--
alphaconstant in momentum equation $A = \alpha Q^{\beta}$s$^{\frac{3}{5}}$ m$^{\frac{1}{5}}$-
celcelerity of kinematic wavem s$^{-1}$-
reservoir_indexmap cell to 0 (no reservoir) or i (pick reservoir i in reservoir field)--
lake_indexmap cell to 0 (no lake) or i (pick lake i in lake field)--
reservoiran array of reservoir models SimpleReservoir--
lakean array of lake models Lake--
allocationwater allocation of type AllocationRiver--
kinwave_itboolean for kinematic wave iterations-false

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct SurfaceFlowLand used for overland flow, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [] to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The input parameter slope (listed under []) is not equal to the internal model parameter sl, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

betaconstant in Manning's equation--
sl (slope)slopem m$^{-1}$-
nManning's roughnesss m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$0.072
qdischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qininflow from upstream cellsm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
q_avaverage dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qlatlateral inflow per unit lengthm$^2$ s$^{-1}$-
inwaterlateral inflowm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
volumekinematic wave volumem$^3$-
hwater levelm-
h_avaverage water levelm-
dtmodel time steps-
itsnumber of fixed iterations--
alpha_powused in the power part of $\alpha$--
alpha_termterm used in computation of $\alpha$--
alphaconstant in momentum equation $A = \alpha Q^{\beta}$s$^{\frac{3}{5}}$ m$^{\frac{1}{5}}$-
celcelerity of kinematic wavem s$^{-1}$-
to_riverpart of overland flow that flows to the riverm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
kinwave_itboolean for kinematic wave iterations-false


The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct SimpleReservoir, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river.reservoir], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable.

Two parameters reservoir coverage areas and the outlet of reservoirs (unique id) locs that are not part of the SimpleReservoir struct are also required, and can be set as follows through the TOML file:

areas = "wflow_reservoirareas"
locs = "wflow_reservoirlocs"
demandminimum (environmental) flow requirement downstream of the reservoirm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
maxreleasemaximum amount that can be released if below spillwaym$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
maxvolumemaximum storage (above which water is spilled)m$^3$-
targetfullfractarget fraction full (of max storage)--
targetminfractarget minimum full fraction (of max storage)--
demandreleaseminimum (environmental) flow released from reservoirm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
dtmodel time steps-
inflowtotal inflow into reservoirm$^3$-
outflowoutflow into reservoirm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
totaloutflowtotal outflow into reservoirm$^3$-
percfullfraction full (of max storage)--
precipitationaverage precipitation for reservoir areamm Δt⁻¹-
evaporationaverage potential evaporation for reservoir areamm Δt⁻¹-
actevapaverage actual evaporation for lake areamm Δt⁻¹-


The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct Lake, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river.lake], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable.

Two parameters lake coverage areas and the outlet of lakes (unique id) locs that are not part of the Lake struct are also required, and can be set as follows through the TOML file:

areas = "wflow_lakeareas"
locs = "wflow_lakelocs"

The input parameter linkedlakelocs (listed under [input.lateral.river.lake]) is not equal to the internal model parameter lowerlake_ind, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

bRating curve coefficient--
eRating curve exponent--
outflowfunctype of lake rating curve--
storfunctype of lake storage curve--
thresholdwater level threshold $H_0$ below that level outflow is zerom-
waterlevelwaterlevel $H$ of lakem-
lowerlake_ind (linkedlakelocs)Index of lower lake (linked lakes)-0
shdata for storage curve--
hqdata rating curve--
dtmodel time steps-
inflowtotal inflow to the lakem$^3$-
storagestorage lakem$^3$-
maxstoragemaximum storage lake with rating curve type 1m$^3$-
outflowoutflow lakem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
totaloutflowtotal outflow lakem$^3$-
precipitationaverage precipitation for lake areamm Δt⁻¹-
evaporationaverage potential evaporation for lake areamm Δt⁻¹-
actevapaverage actual evaporation for lake areamm Δt⁻¹-

Lateral subsurface flow

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct LateralSSF, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF). The soil related parameters f, soilthickness, z_exp, theta_s and theta_r are derived from the vertical SBM concept (including unit conversion for f, z_exp and soilthickness), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.vertical], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The internal slope model parameter slope is set through the TOML file as follows:

slope = "Slope"

The parameter kh_0 is computed by multiplying the vertical hydraulic conductivity at the soil surface kv_0 (including unit conversion) of the vertical SBM concept with the internal parameter khfrac [-] (default value of 1.0). The internal model parameter khfrac is set through the TOML file as follows:

ksathorfrac = "KsatHorFrac"

The khfrac parameter compensates for anisotropy, small scale kv_0 measurements (soil core) that do not represent larger scale hydraulic conductivity, and smaller flow length scales (hillslope) in reality, not represented by the model resolution.

For the vertical SBM concept different vertical hydraulic conductivity depth profiles are possible, and these also determine which LateralSSF parameters are used including the input requirements for the computation of lateral subsurface flow. For the exponential profile the model parameters kh_0 and f are used. For the exponential_constant profile kh_0 and f are used, and z_exp is required as part of [input.vertical]. For the layered profile, SBM model parameter kv is used, and for the layered_exponential profile kv is used and z_exp is required as part of [input.vertical].

kh_0horizontal hydraulic conductivity at soil surfacem d$^{-1}$3.0
fa scaling parameter (controls exponential decline of kh_0)m$^{-1}$1.0
khhorizontal hydraulic conductivitym d$^{-1}$-
khfrac (ksathorfrac)a muliplication factor applied to vertical hydraulic conductivity kv-100.0
soilthicknesssoil thicknessm2.0
theta_ssaturated water content (porosity)-0.6
theta_rresidual water content-0.01
dtmodel time stepd-
slopeslopem m$^{-1}$-
dldrain lengthm-
dwdrain widthm-
zipseudo-water table depth (top of the saturated zone)m-
z_expdepth from soil surface for which exponential decline of kh_0 is validm-
exfiltwaterexfiltration (groundwater above surface level, saturated excess conditions)m Δt⁻¹-
rechargenet recharge to saturated storem$^2$ Δt⁻¹-
ssfsubsurface flowm$^3$ d${-1}$-
ssfininflow from upstream cellsm$^3$ d${-1}$-
ssfmaxmaximum subsurface flowm$^2$ d${-1}$-
to_riverpart of subsurface flow that flows to the riverm$^3$ d${-1}$-
volumesubsurface water volumem$^3$-

Local inertial

River flow

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct ShallowWaterRiver, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The parameter river bed elevation zb is based on the bankfull elevation and depth input data:

bankfull_elevation = "RiverZ"
bankfull_depth = "RiverDepth"

When floodplain routing (parameter floodplain) is included as part of local inertial river flow, parameter q_av represents the total average discharge of the river channel and floodplain routing, and parameter q_channel_av represents average river channel discharge. Otherwise parameters q_av and q_channel_av represent both average river channel discharge (are equal).

The input parameter n (listed under [input.lateral.river]) is not equal to the internal model parameter mannings_n, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

mannings_n (n)Manning's roughnesss m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$0.036
widthriver widthm-
zbriver bed elevationm-
lengthriver lengthm-
nnumber of cells--
nenumber of edges/links--
active_nactive nodes--
active_eactive edges--
gacceleration due to gravitym s$^{-2}$-
alphastability coefficient (Bates et al., 2010)-0.7
h_threshdepth threshold for calculating flowm0.001
dtmodel time steps-
qriver discharge (subgrid channel)m$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
q_avaverage river channel (+ floodplain) dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
q_channel_avaverage river channel dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
zb_maxmaximum channel bed elevationm-
mannings_n_sqManning's roughness squared at edge/link(s m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$)$^2$-
hwater depthm-
zs_maxmaximum water elevationm-
zs_srcwater elevation of source node of edgem-
zs_dstwater elevation of downstream node of edgem-
hfwater depth at edge/linkm-
h_avaverage water depthm-
dlriver lengthm-
dl_at_linkriver length at edge/linkm-
widthriver widthm-
width_at_linkriver width at edge/linkm-
aflow area at edge/linkm$^2$-
rhydraulic radius at edge/linkm-
volumeriver volumem$^3$-
errorerror volumem$^3$-
inwaterlateral inflowm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
inflowexternal inflow (abstraction/supply/demand)m$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
abstractionabstraction (computed as part of water demand and allocation)m$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
inflow_wbinflow waterbody (lake or reservoir model) from land partm$^3$ s$^{-1}$0.0
bankfull_volumebankfull volumem$^3$-
bankfull_depthbankfull depthm-
froude_limitif true a check is performed if froude number > 1.0 (algorithm is modified)--
reservoir_indexriver cell index with a reservoir--
lake_indexriver cell index with a lake--
waterbodywater body cells (reservoir or lake)--
reservoiran array of reservoir models SimpleReservoir--
lakean array of lake models Lake--
allocationoptional water allocation of type AllocationRiver--
floodplainoptional 1D floodplain routing FloodPlain--

1D floodplain

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct FloodPlain (part of struct ShallowWaterRiver), including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river.floodplain], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The input parameter n (listed under [input.lateral.river.floodplain]) is not equal to the internal model parameter mannings_n, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

profileFloodplain profile FloodPlainProfile
mannings_n (n)Manning's roughness for the floodplains m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$0.072
mannings_n_sqManning's roughness squared at edge/link(s m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$)$^2$-
volumeflood volumem$^3$-
hflood depthm-
h_avaverage flood depthm-
errorerror volumem$^3$
aflow area at edge/linkm$^2$-
rhydraulic radius at edge/linkm-
hfflood depth at edge/linkm-
zb_maxmaximum bankfull elevation at edgem-
q0discharge at previous time stepm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qdischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
q_avaverage dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
hf_indexindex with hf above depth threshold--

The floodplain profile FloodPlainProfile contains the following parameters:

depth (flood_depth)flood depthsm-
volumecumulative flood volume (per flood depth)m$^3$-
widthcumulative floodplain width (per flood depth)m-
acumulative floodplain flow area (per flood depth)m$^2$-
pcumulative floodplain wetted perimeter (per flood depth)m-

The floodplain volumes (per flood depth interval) can be set as follows through the TOML file:

volume = "floodplain_volume"

The input parameter flood_depth (dimension of floodplain volume) is not equal to the internal model parameter depth, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

Overland flow

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct ShallowWaterLand, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable.

The mannings roughness (for the computation of mannings_n_sq) should be provided as follows in the TOML file:

n = "n_land" # mannings roughness

The input parameter elevation (listed under []) is not equal to the internal model parameter z, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

nnumber of cells--
xlcell length x directionm-
ylcell length y directionm-
xwidtheffective flow width x direction (floodplain)m-
ywidtheffective flow width y direction (floodplain)m-
gacceleration due to gravitym s$^{-2}$-
thetaweighting factor (de Almeida et al., 2012)-0.8
alphastability coefficient (Bates et al., 2010)-0.7
h_threshdepth threshold for calculating flowm0.001
dtmodel time steps-
qy0flow in y direction at previous time stepm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qx0flow in x direction at previous time stepm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qxflow in x directionm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
qyflow in y directionm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
zx_maxmaximum cell elevation (x direction)m-
zy_maxmaximum cell elevation (y direction)m-
mannings_n_sqManning's roughness squareds m$^{-\frac{1}{3}}$based on 0.072
volumetotal volume of cell (including river volume for river cells)m$^3$-
errorerror volumem$^3$-
runoffrunoff from hydrological modelm$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
hwater depth of cellm-
z (elevation)elevation of cellm-
froude_limitif true a check is performed if froude number > 1.0 (algorithm is modified)--
rivercellsriver cells--
h_avaverage water depthm-

Water allocation river

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct AllocationRiver, used when water demand and allocation is computed (optional), including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable.

act_surfacewater_abstactual surface water abstractionmm Δt⁻¹-
act_surfacewater_abst_volactual surface water abstractionm$^3$ Δt⁻¹-
available_surfacewateravailable surface waterm$^3$-
nonirri_returnflowreturn flow from non-irrigation (industry, domestic and livestock)mm Δt⁻¹-

Groundwater flow

Confined aquifer

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct ConfinedAquifer, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. Struct ConfinedAquifer is not (yet) part of a wflow model.

khorizontal conductivitym d$^{-1}$s-
storativitystorativitym m$^{-1}$-
specific_storagespecific storagem$^{-1}$-
toptop groundwater layersm-
bottombottom groundwater layersm-
areacell aream$^2$-
headgroundwater headm-
conductanceconductancem$^2$ d$^{-1}$-

Unconfined aquifer

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct UnconfinedAquifer, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.subsurface], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. For some input parameters the parameter listed under [input.lateral.subsurface] is not equal to the internal model parameter, these are listed in the Table below between parentheses after the internal model parameter. The top parameter is provided by the external parameter altitude as part of the static input data and set as follows through the TOML file:

# these are not directly part of the model
altitude = "wflow_dem"

The input parameter conductivity (listed under [input.lateral.subsurface]) is not equal to the internal model parameter kh_0, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

kh_0 (conductivity)horizontal conductivitym d$^{-1}$s-
specific_yieldspecific yieldm m$^{-1}$-
top (altitude)top groundwater layerm-
bottombottom groundwater layerm-
areacell aream$^2$-
headgroundwater headm-
conductanceconductancem$^2$ d$^{-1}$-
ffactor controlling the reduction of reference horizontal conductivity-3.0

Constant Head

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct ConstantHead, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.subsurface], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The input parameter constant_head (listed under [input.lateral.subsurface]) is not equal to the internal model parameter head, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

head (constant_head)groundwater headm-
indexconstant head cell index--

Boundary conditions


The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct River, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.subsurface], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. The input parameter river_bottom (listed under [input.lateral.subsurface]) is not equal to the internal model parameter bottom, and is listed in the Table below between parentheses.

stageriver stagem-
infiltration_conductanceriver bed infiltration conductancem$^2$ day$^{-1}$ m$^2$ day$^{-1}$-
exfiltration_conductanceriver bed exfiltration conductancem$^2$ day$^{-1}$-
bottom (river_bottom)river bottom elevationm-
indexriver cell index--
fluxexchange flux (river to aquifer)m$^3$ d$^{-1}$-


The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct Drainage, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.subsurface], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. For some input parameters the parameter listed under [input.lateral.subsurface] is not equal to the internal model parameter, these are listed in the Table below between parentheses after the internal model parameter.

elevation (drain_elevation)drain elevationm-
conductance (drain_conductance)drain conductancem$^2$ day$^{-1}$-
index (drain)drain cell index--
fluxexchange flux (drains to aquifer)m$^3$ day$^{-1}$-


The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct Recharge, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable.

raterecharge ratem$^3$ day$^{-1}$-
indexrecharge cell index--
fluxrecharge fluxm$^3$ day$^{-1}$-

Head boundary

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct HeadBoundary, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable.

conductanceconductance of the head boundarym$^2$ day$^{-1}$-
indexhead boundary cell index--
fluxconductance of the head boundarym$^3$ day$^{-1}$-

Well boundary

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct Well, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable.

input parameterdescriptionunitdefault
volumetric_ratevolumetric well ratem$^3$ d$^{-1}$-
indexwell index--
fluxactual well fluxm$^3$ day$^{-1}$-


Overland flow

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct OverlandFlowSediment, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable.

nnumber of cells--
rivcellriver cells--
soillosstotal eroded soilton Δt$^{-1}$-
erosclayeroded soil for particle class clayton Δt$^{-1}$-
erossilteroded soil for particle class siltton Δt$^{-1}$-
erossanderoded soil for particle class sandton Δt$^{-1}$-
erossaggeroded soil for particle class small aggregateston Δt$^{-1}$-
eroslaggeroded soil for particle class large aggregateston Δt$^{-1}$-
TCsedtotal transport capacity of overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
TCclaytransport capacity of overland flow for particle class clayton Δt$^{-1}$-
TCsilttransport capacity of overland flow for particle class siltton Δt$^{-1}$-
TCsandtransport capacity of overland flow for particle class sandton Δt$^{-1}$-
TCsaggtransport capacity of overland flow for particle class small aggregateston Δt$^{-1}$-
TClaggtransport capacity of overland flow for particle class large aggregateston Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsedsediment reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandclaysediment with particle class clay reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsiltsediment with particle class silt reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsandsediment with particle class sand reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsaggsediment with particle class small aggregates reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandlaggsediment with particle class large aggregates reaching the river with overland flowton Δt$^{-1}$-

River flow

The Table below shows external parameters that can be set through static input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river]. These external parameters are not part of struct RiverSediment, but used to calculate parameters of struct RiverSediment.

external parameterdescriptionunitdefault
reslocsreservoir location (outlet)--
resareasreservoir coverage--
resareareservoir area-m$^2$
restrapeffreservoir trapping efficiency coefficient--
lakelocslake location (outlet)--
lakeareaslake coverage--
lakearealake area-m$^2$

The Table below shows the parameters (fields) of struct RiverSediment, including a description of these parameters, the unit, and default value if applicable. The parameters in bold represent model parameters that can be set through static and forcing input data (netCDF), and can be listed in the TOML configuration file under [input.lateral.river], to map the internal model parameter to the external netCDF variable. For some input parameters the parameter listed under [input.lateral.river] is not equal to the internal model parameter, these are listed in the Table below between parentheses after the internal model parameter. For example, internal model parameter sl is mapped as follows in the TOML file to the external netCDF variable RiverSlope:

slope = "RiverSlope"
dl (length)river lengthm-
widthriver widthm-
sl (slope)river slope--
rhos (rhosed)density of sedimentkg m$^{-3}1$2650.0
dmclaymedian diameter particle size class claymm2.0
dmsiltmedian diameter particle size class siltmm10.0
dmsandmedian diameter particle size class sandmm200.0
dmsaggmedian diameter particle size class small aggregatesmm30.0
dmlaggmedian diameter particle size class large aggregatesmm500.0
dmgravmedian diameter particle size class gravelmm2000.0
fclayrivfraction of particle class clay--
fsiltrivfraction of particle class silt--
fsandrivfraction of particle class sand--
fsaggrivfraction of particle class small aggregates--
flaggrivfraction of particle class large aggregates--
fgravrivfraction of particle class gravel--
d50 (d50riv)river sediment median diametermm-
d50engelundriver mean diametermm-
cbagnoldBagnold c coefficient--
ebagnoldBagnold exponent--
nnumber of cells--
dtmodel time steps-
akKodatie coefficient a--
bkKodatie coefficient b--
ckKodatie coefficient c--
dkKodatie coefficient d--
kdbankbank erodibiltym$^3$ N$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$-
kdbedbed erodibilitym$^3$ N$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$-
TCrbankcritical bed bank shear stressm$^3$ N$^{-2}$-
TCrbedcritical bed shear stressm$^3$ N$^{-2}$-
h_rivriver water levelm-
q_rivriver dischargem$^3$ s$^{-1}$-
inlandclaysediment input with particle class clay from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsiltsediment input with particle class silt from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsandsediment input with particle class sand from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsaggsediment input with particle class small aggregates from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandlaggsediment input with particle class large aggregates from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
inlandsedsediment input from land erosiont Δt$^{-1}$-
sedloadsediment left in the cellt-
clayloadsediment with particle class clay left in the cellt-
siltloadsediment with particle class silt left in the cellt-
sandloadsediment with particle class sand left in the cellt-
saggloadsediment with particle class small aggregates left in the cellt-
laggloadsediment with particle class large aggregates in the cellt-
gravloadsediment with particle class gravel left in the cellt-
sedstoresediment stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
claystoresediment with particle class clay stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
siltstoresediment with particle class silt stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
sandstoresediment with particle class sand stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
saggstoresediment with particle class small aggregates stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
laggstoresediment with particle class large aggregates stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
gravstoresediment with particle class gravel stored on the river bed after depositiont Δt$^{-1}$-
outsedsediment fluxt Δt$^{-1}$-
outclaysediment with particle class clay fluxt Δt$^{-1}$-
outsiltsediment with particle class siltt Δt$^{-1}$-
outsandsediment with particle class sandt Δt$^{-1}$-
outsaggsediment with particle class small aggregatest Δt$^{-1}$-
outlaggsediment with particle class large aggregatest Δt$^{-1}$-
outgravsediment with particle class gravelt Δt$^{-1}$-
Sedconctotal sediment concentration (SSconc + Bedconc)g m$^{-3}$-
SSconcsuspended load concentrationg m$^{-3}$-
Bedconcbed load concentrationg m$^{-3}$-
maxsedriver transport capacityt Δt$^{-1}$-
erodsedtotal eroded sedimentt Δt$^{-1}$-
erodsedbankeroded bank sedimentt Δt$^{-1}$-
erodsedbederoded bed sedimentt Δt$^{-1}$-
depseddeposited sedimentt Δt$^{-1}$-
insedsediment input fluxt Δt$^{-1}$-
wbcoverwaterbody coverage--
wblocswaterbody locations--
wbareawaterbody aream$^2$-
wbtrapwaterbody trapping efficiency coefficient--