

Several iPython notebook examples have been prepared for HydroMT-delwaq which you can use as a HydroMT-delwaq tutorial.

These examples can be run online or on your local machine. To run these examples online press the binder badge above.

To run these examples on your local machine you need a copy of the repository and an installation of HydroMT-delwaq. Please refer to the online installation guide for more information about installing HydroMT-delwaq.

First, clone the HydroMT-delwaq github repository, this creates a local copy of the repository on your local machine.

$ git clone https://github.com/Deltares/hydromt_delwaq.git

Create a conda environment based on the environment.yml in the root of this repository and activate this environment:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate hydromt-delwaq

Next, start a jupyter notebook inside the examples folder and activated hydromt-delwaq environment.

$ cd examples
$ jupyter notebook

List of examples#

For a static (non-interactive) view of the examples follow one of the links below:

Building a model (CLI usage)

Updating your model (CLI usage)

Visualizing results (Python interface)