Building a model#

To build a complete model from scratch using available data the build method can be used. The build method is identical for all HydroMT model plugins, but the model methods (i.e. sections and options in the .yaml configuration file) are different for each model.

Steps in brief:

  1. Prepare or use a pre-defined data catalog with all the required data sources, see working with data

  2. Prepare a model workflow which describes the complete pipeline to build your model: see model workflow.

  3. Build you model using the CLI or Python interface

From CLI#

The hydromt build command line interface (CLI) method can be run from the command line after the right conda environment is activated. The HydroMT core package contain implementation for generalized model classes. Specific model implementation for softwares have to be built from associated HydroMT plugin that needs to be installed to your Python environment.

To check which HydroMT model plugins are installed, do:

hydromt --models

Example usage

The following line of code builds a SFINCS model based on the model methods in the sfincs_workflow.yaml file and the data sources in the data_catalog.yml file.

hydromt build sfincs /path/to/model_root -i /path/to/sfincs_config.yaml -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v

The following line of code builds a SFINCS model based on the model methods in the grid_model_workflow.yaml file and the data sources in the data_catalog.yml file.

hydromt build grid_model /path/to/model_root -i /path/to/grid_model_workflow.yaml -d /path/to/data_catalog.yml -v


The verbosity of the log messages can be increased with -v for info and -vv for debug messages.

Overview of options

To check all options see :ref: the CLI API, or do:

hydromt build --help