
RA2CE can be operated via the command-line interface with two commands. Before RA2CE can be used, the correct Python environment needs to be installed (see environment.yml), this can be done with a conda environment manager such as miniforge or micromamba.


Important! In compliance with Deltares open-source policy it is recommended to use either miniforge or micromamba as they both have conda-forge as the default package channel. If you wish to use another conda distribution please make sure the default channel is set to conda-forge to avoid issues with Deltares open-source policy.

CLI only#

If only interested in using the tool via command-line interface follow these steps:

pip install ra2ce

Alternatively you can install the latest version available on GitHub or a specific tag / commit hash by using the symbol @:

pip install git+
pip install git+

Development mode#

When running a development environment with Anaconda, the user may follow these steps in command line:

cd <to the main repository RA2CE folder>
conda env create -f .config\environment.yml
conda activate ra2ce_env
poetry install

Docker and cloud#

You may install ra2ce using Docker and running with different cloud services. Please refer to our Docker and Cloud guide.

Binder environment#

Binder provides us an online web-tool capable of hosting a conda environment with the latest-greatest version of RA2CE already installed and ready to be used. In this environment you will find all our available examples as well as the possibility to create your own Jupyter notebooks or experiment with the CLI options.