Design principles#

Throughout RA2CE different design choices are made to achieve a software as easy as possible to understand whilst hosting the domain knowledge of our experts.

Code standards#

In general, we adhere to the Zen of Python and we use the Google convention as a base for our coding standards. Those points where we differ from the Google convention are documented below. We consider this document to be a living document, so it is subject to discussion and potential changes.

When we talk about normalization we refer to standardizing how we name, describe, reference and use the following items:

  • a package (folder),

  • a module (file),

  • a class,

  • a method,

  • a parameter,

  • a property,

  • a variable,

Code formatting happens in its majority with a Github workflow which is enforced after each succesful pull-request merge to main. This can be at any time locally done running the line:

poetry run isort . && poetry run black .

Naming conventions#

In general we use the following standards:

Although in Python ‘private’ and ‘public’ is a vague definition, we often use the underscore symbol _ to refer to objects that are not meant to be used outside the context where they were defined. For instance:

  • We underscore method’s names when they are not meant to be used outisde their container class.

  • In addition, we underscore the variables defined within a method to (visually) differenciate them from the input arguments (parameters):

def example_method(param_a: float, param_b: float) -> float:
    _sum = param_a + param_b
    return _sum

Module (file) content#

In general:

  • One file consists of one (and only one) class.

  • The file containing a class will have the same name (snake case for the file, upper camel case for the class).

Some exceptions:

  • An auxiliar dataclass might be eventually defined in the same file as the only class using (and referencing) it.

  • Test classes may contain mock classes when they are only to be used within said test-file.

Describing an item#

  • Packages can be further describe with files.

  • Modules are described with docstrings using the google docstring convention

  • We prefer explicit over implicit declaration.
  • Classes are described with docstrings when required, its properties also have descriptive names and have explicit types using type hints.

  • Methods contain a clear descriptive name, its arguments (parameters) contain type hints and in case it is a ‘public’ method its signature has a description following the google docstrings formatting.

Protocols over Base classes.#

We prefer using protocols over base classes (abstract class) to enforce the Single Responsibility Principle as much as possible.