Source code for imod.visualize.spatial

import pathlib

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import imod
from imod.util.imports import MissingOptionalModule
from imod.visualize import common

    import contextily as ctx
except ImportError:
    ctx = MissingOptionalModule("contextily")

[docs] def read_imod_legend(path): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to iMOD .leg file. Returns ------- colors : List of hex colors of length N. levels : List of floats of length N-1. These are the boundaries between the legend colors/classes. """ # Read file. Do not rely the headers in the leg file. def _read(delim_whitespace): return pd.read_csv( path, header=1, delim_whitespace=delim_whitespace, index_col=False, usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], names=["upper", "lower", "red", "green", "blue"], ) # Try both comma and whitespace separated try: legend = _read(delim_whitespace=False) except ValueError: legend = _read(delim_whitespace=True) # The colors in iMOD are formatted in RGB. Format to hexadecimal. red = legend["red"] blue = legend["blue"] green = legend["green"] colors = [f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" for r, g, b in zip(red, green, blue)][::-1] levels = list(legend["lower"])[::-1][1:] return colors, levels
def _crs2string(crs): if isinstance(crs, str): if "epsg" in crs.lower(): return crs try: return crs.to_string() except AttributeError: try: return crs["init"] except KeyError: return crs
[docs] def plot_map( raster, colors, levels, overlays=[], basemap=None, kwargs_raster=None, kwargs_colorbar=None, kwargs_basemap={}, figsize=None, return_cbar=False, fig=None, ax=None, ): """ Plot raster on a map with optional vector overlays and basemap. Parameters ---------- raster : xr.DataArray 2D grid to plot. colors : list of str, list of RGBA/RGBA tuples, colormap name (str), or LinearSegmentedColormap. If list, it should be a Matplotlib acceptable list of colors. Length N. Accepts both tuples of (R, G, B) and hexidecimal (e.g. `#7ec0ee`). If str, use an existing Matplotlib colormap. This function will autmatically add distinctive colors for pixels lower or high than the given min respectivly max level. If LinearSegmentedColormap, you can use something like `'jet')` as input. This function will not alter the colormap, so add under- and over-colors yourself. Looking for good colormaps? Try: Choose a colormap, and use the HEX JS array. levels : listlike of floats or integers Boundaries between the legend colors/classes. Length: N - 1. overlays : list of dicts, optional Dicts contain geodataframe (key is "gdf"), and the keyword arguments for plotting the geodataframe. basemap : bool or contextily._providers.TileProvider, optional When `True` or a `contextily._providers.TileProvider` object: plot a basemap as a background for the plot and make the raster translucent. If `basemap=True`, then `CartoDB.Positron` is used as the default provider. If not set explicitly through kwargs_basemap, plot_map() will try and infer the crs from the raster or overlays, or fall back to EPSG:28992 (Amersfoort/RDnew). *Requires contextily* kwargs_raster : dict of keyword arguments, optional These arguments are forwarded to ax.imshow() kwargs_colorbar : dict of keyword arguments, optional These arguments are forwarded to fig.colorbar(). The key label can be used to label the colorbar. Key whiten_triangles can be set to False to alter the default behavior of coloring the min / max triangles of the colorbar white if the value is not present in the map. kwargs_basemap : dict of keyword arguments, optional Except for "alpha", these arguments are forwarded to contextily.add_basemap(). Parameter "alpha" controls the transparency of raster. figsize : tuple of two floats or integers, optional This is used in plt.subplots(figsize) return_cbar : boolean, optional Return the matplotlib.Colorbar instance. Defaults to False. fig : matplotlib.figure, optional If provided, figure to which to add the map ax :, optional If provided, axis to which to add the map Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure ax : if return_cbar == True: cbar : matplotlib.Colorbar Examples -------- Plot with an overlay: >>> overlays = [{"gdf": geodataframe, "edgecolor": "black", "facecolor": "None"}] >>> imod.visualize.plot_map(raster, colors, levels, overlays) Label the colorbar: >>> imod.visualize.plot_map(raster, colors, levels, kwargs_colorbar={"label":"Head aquifer (m)"}) Plot with a basemap: >>> import contextily as ctx >>> src = ctx.providers.Stamen.TonerLite >>> imod.visualize.plot_map(raster, colors, levels, basemap=src, kwargs_basemap={"alpha":0.6}) """ # Account for both None or False to skip adding a basemap if basemap is None or (isinstance(basemap, bool) and not basemap): add_basemap = False else: add_basemap = True # Read legend settings cmap, norm = common._cmapnorm_from_colorslevels(colors, levels) # Get extent _, xmin, xmax, _, ymin, ymax = imod.util.spatial.spatial_reference(raster) # raster kwargs settings_raster = {"interpolation": "nearest", "extent": [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]} # if a basemap is added: set alpha of raster if add_basemap: settings_raster["alpha"] = kwargs_basemap.pop("alpha", 0.7) if kwargs_raster is not None: settings_raster.update(kwargs_raster) # cbar kwargs settings_cbar = {"ticks": levels, "extend": "both"} # Find a unit in the raster to use in the colorbar label try: settings_cbar["label"] = raster.attrs["units"] except (KeyError, AttributeError): try: settings_cbar["label"] = raster.attrs["unit"] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass whiten_triangles = True if kwargs_colorbar is not None: whiten_triangles = kwargs_colorbar.pop("whiten_triangles", True) settings_cbar.update(kwargs_colorbar) # If not provided, make figure and axes # Catch case first where no figure provided, but ax was provided if fig is None and ax is not None: raise ValueError( "Axes provided, yet no figure is provided. " "Please provide a figure as well." ) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if ax is None: ax = plt.axes() # Make sure x is increasing, y is decreasing raster = raster.copy(deep=False) flip = slice(None, None, -1) if not raster.indexes["x"].is_monotonic_increasing: raster = raster.isel(x=flip) if not raster.indexes["y"].is_monotonic_decreasing: raster = raster.isel(y=flip) # Plot raster ax1 = ax.imshow(raster, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, zorder=1, **settings_raster) # Set ax imits ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # Make triangles white if data is not larger/smaller than legend_levels-range if whiten_triangles: if float(raster.max().compute()) < levels[-1]: ax1.cmap.set_over("#FFFFFF") if float(raster.min().compute()) > levels[0]: ax1.cmap.set_under("#FFFFFF") # Add colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cbar_ax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad="5%") settings_cbar.pop("ticklabels", None) cbar = fig.colorbar(ax1, cax=cbar_ax, **settings_cbar) # Add overlays for i, overlay in enumerate(overlays): tmp = overlay.copy() gdf = tmp.pop("gdf") gdf.plot(ax=ax, zorder=2 + i, **tmp) # Add basemap, if basemap is neither None nor False if add_basemap: crs = "EPSG:28992" # default Amersfoort/RDnew try: crs = _crs2string(kwargs_basemap.pop("crs")) except (KeyError, AttributeError): try: crs = _crs2string(raster.attrs["crs"]) except (KeyError, AttributeError): for overlay in overlays: if "crs" in overlay["gdf"]: crs = _crs2string(overlay["gdf"].crs) break if isinstance(basemap, bool): source = ctx.providers["CartoDB"]["Positron"] else: source = basemap ctx.add_basemap(ax=ax, source=source, crs=crs, **kwargs_basemap) # Return if return_cbar: return fig, ax, cbar else: return fig, ax
def _colorscale(a_yx, levels, cmap, quantile_colorscale): """ This is an attempt to automatically create somewhat robust color scales. Parameters ---------- a_yx : xr.DataArray 2D DataArray with only dimensions ("y", "x") levels : integer, np.ndarray or None Number of levels (if integer), or level boundaries (if ndarray) quantile_colorscale : boolean Whether to create a colorscale based on quantile classification Returns ------- norm : matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm cmap : matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap """ # This is all an attempt at a somewhat robust colorscale handling if levels is None: # Nothing given, default to 25 colors levels = 25 if isinstance(levels, int): nlevels = levels if quantile_colorscale: levels = np.unique(np.nanpercentile(a_yx.values, np.linspace(0, 100, 101))) if len(levels) > nlevels: # Decrease the number of levels # Pretty rough approach, but should be sufficient x = np.linspace(0.0, 100.0, nlevels) xp = np.linspace(0.0, 100.0, len(levels)) yp = levels levels = np.interp(x, xp, yp) else: # Can't make more levels out of only a few quantiles nlevels = len(levels) else: # Go start to end vmin = float(a_yx.min()) vmax = float(a_yx.max()) levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, nlevels) elif isinstance(levels, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): # Pre-defined by user nlevels = len(levels) else: raise ValueError("levels argument should be None, an integer, or an array.") if nlevels < 3: # let matplotlib take care of it norm = None else: norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries=levels, ncolors=nlevels) # Interpolate colormap to nlevels if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = # cmap is a callable object cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nlevels))) return norm, cmap def _imshow_xy( a_yx, fname, title, cmap, overlays, quantile_colorscale, figsize, settings, levels ): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) norm, cmap = _colorscale(a_yx, levels, cmap, quantile_colorscale) ax1 = ax.imshow(a_yx, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **settings) for overlay in overlays: tmp = overlay.copy() gdf = tmp.pop("gdf") gdf.plot(ax=ax, **tmp) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cbar_ax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad="5%") fig.colorbar(ax1, cax=cbar_ax) ax.set_title(title) plt.savefig(fname, dpi=200, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() def format_time(time): if isinstance(time, np.datetime64): # The following line is because numpy.datetime64[ns] does not # support converting to datetime, but returns an integer instead. # This solution is 20 times faster than using pd.to_datetime() return time.astype("datetime64[us]").item().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else: return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
[docs] def imshow_topview( da, name, directory=".", cmap="viridis", overlays=[], quantile_colorscale=True, figsize=(8, 8), levels=None, ): """ Automatically colors by quantile. Dumps PNGs into directory of choice. """ directory = pathlib.Path(directory) directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if "x" not in da.dims or "y" not in da.dims: raise ValueError("DataArray must have dims x and y.") directory = pathlib.Path(directory) _, xmin, xmax, _, ymin, ymax = imod.util.spatial.spatial_reference(da) settings = {"interpolation": "nearest", "extent": [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]} extradims = [dim for dim in da.dims if dim not in ("x", "y")] if len(extradims) == 0: fname = directory / f"{name}.png" _imshow_xy( da, fname, name, cmap, overlays, quantile_colorscale, figsize, settings, levels, ) else: stacked = da.stack(idf=extradims) for coordvals, a_yx in list(stacked.groupby("idf")): if a_yx.isnull().all(): continue fname_parts = [] title_parts = [] for key, coordval in zip(extradims, coordvals): title_parts.append(f"{key}: {coordval}") if key == "time": coordval = format_time(coordval) fname_parts.append(f"{key}{coordval}") fname_parts = "_".join(fname_parts) title_parts = ", ".join(title_parts) fname = directory / f"{name}_{fname_parts}.png" title = f"{name}, {title_parts}" _imshow_xy( a_yx, fname, title, cmap, overlays, quantile_colorscale, figsize, settings, levels, )