Source code for imod.mf6.out.cbc

Cell-by-cell flows

import os
import struct
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union

import dask
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .common import FilePath, FloatArray

class Imeth1Header(NamedTuple):
    kstp: int
    kper: int
    text: str
    ndim1: int
    ndim2: int
    ndim3: int
    imeth: int
    delt: float
    pertim: float
    totim: float
    pos: int

class Imeth6Header(NamedTuple):
    kstp: int
    kper: int
    text: str
    ndim1: int
    ndim2: int
    ndim3: int
    imeth: int
    delt: float
    pertim: float
    totim: float
    pos: int
    txt1id1: str
    txt2id1: str
    txt1id2: str
    txt2id2: str
    ndat: int
    auxtxt: List[str]
    nlist: int

def read_common_cbc_header(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Read the common part (shared by imeth=1 and imeth6) of a CBC header section.
    content = {}
    content["kstp"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["kper"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["text"] ="utf-8").strip().lower()
    content["ndim1"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["ndim2"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["ndim3"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["imeth"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["delt"] = struct.unpack("d",[0]
    content["pertim"] = struct.unpack("d",[0]
    content["totim"] = struct.unpack("d",[0]
    return content

def read_imeth6_header(f: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Read the imeth=6 specific data of a CBC header section.
    content: Dict[str, str | List[str]] = {}
    content["txt1id1"] ="utf-8").strip().lower()
    content["txt2id1"] ="utf-8").strip().lower()
    content["txt1id2"] ="utf-8").strip().lower()
    content["txt2id2"] ="utf-8").strip().lower()
    ndat = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    content["ndat"] = ndat
    content["auxtxt"] = ["utf-8").strip().lower() for _ in range(ndat - 1)
    content["nlist"] = struct.unpack("i",[0]
    return content

[docs] def read_cbc_headers( cbc_path: FilePath, ) -> Dict[str, List[Union[Imeth1Header, Imeth6Header]]]: """ Read all the header data from a cell-by-cell (.cbc) budget file. All budget data for a MODFLOW6 model is stored in a single file. This function collects all header data, as well as the starting byte position of the actual budget data. This function groups the headers per TEXT record (e.g. "flow-ja-face", "drn", etc.). The headers are stored as a list of named tuples. flow-ja-face, storage-ss, and storage-sy are written using IMETH=1, all others with IMETH=6. Parameters ---------- cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path Path to the budget file. Returns ------- headers: Dict[List[UnionImeth1Header, Imeth6Header]] Dictionary containing a list of headers per TEXT record in the budget file. """ headers: Dict[str, List[Union[Imeth1Header, Imeth6Header]]] = defaultdict(list) with open(cbc_path, "rb") as f: filesize = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size while f.tell() < filesize: header = read_common_cbc_header(f) if header["imeth"] == 1: # Multiply by -1 because ndim3 is stored as a negative for some reason. # (ndim3 is the integer size of the third dimension) datasize = ( header["ndim1"] * header["ndim2"] * header["ndim3"] * -1 ) * 8 header["pos"] = f.tell() key = header["text"] headers[key].append(Imeth1Header(**header)) elif header["imeth"] == 6: imeth6_header = read_imeth6_header(f) datasize = imeth6_header["nlist"] * (8 + imeth6_header["ndat"] * 8) header["pos"] = f.tell() # key-format: "package type"-"optional_package_variable"_"package name" # for river output: riv_sys1 # for uzf output: uzf-gwrch_uzf_sys1 key = header["text"] + "_" + imeth6_header["txt2id2"] # npf-key can be present multiple times in cases of saved saturation + specific discharge if header["text"].startswith("data-"): key = ( imeth6_header["txt2id2"] + "_" + header["text"].replace("data-", "") ) headers[key].append(Imeth6Header(**header, **imeth6_header)) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid imeth value in CBC file {cbc_path}. " f"Should be 1 or 6, received: {header['imeth']}." ) # Skip the data, 1) return headers
def read_imeth1_budgets(cbc_path: FilePath, count: int, pos: int) -> FloatArray: """ Read the data for an imeth=1 budget section. Parameters ---------- cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path count: int number of values to read pos: position in the file where the data for a timestep starts Returns ------- 1-D array of floats """ with open(cbc_path, "rb") as f: timestep_budgets = np.fromfile(f, np.float64, count) return timestep_budgets def open_imeth1_budgets( cbc_path: FilePath, header_list: List[Imeth1Header] ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Open the data for an imeth==1 budget section. Data is read lazily per timestep. The cell data is not spatially labelled. Parameters ---------- cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path header_list: List[Imeth1Header] Returns ------- xr.DataArray with dims ("time", "linear_index") """ # Gather times from the headers dask_list = [] time = np.empty(len(header_list), dtype=np.float64) for i, header in enumerate(header_list): time[i] = header.totim count = header.ndim1 * header.ndim2 * header.ndim3 * -1 a = dask.delayed(read_imeth1_budgets)(cbc_path, count, header.pos) x = dask.array.from_delayed(a, shape=(count,), dtype=np.float64) dask_list.append(x) return xr.DataArray( data=dask.array.stack(dask_list, axis=0), coords={"time": time}, dims=("time", "linear_index"), name=header_list[0].text, ) def expand_indptr(ia) -> np.ndarray: n = np.diff(ia) return np.repeat(np.arange(ia.size - 1), n) def open_face_budgets_as_flowja( cbc_path: FilePath, header_list: List[Imeth1Header], grb_content: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: flowja = open_imeth1_budgets(cbc_path, header_list) flowja = flowja.rename({"linear_index": "connection"}) n = expand_indptr(grb_content["ia"]) m = grb_content["ja"] - 1 nm = xr.DataArray( np.column_stack([n, m]), coords={"cell": ["n", "m"]}, dims=["connection", "cell"], ) return flowja, nm def read_imeth6_budgets( cbc_path: FilePath, count: int, dtype: np.dtype, pos: int ) -> Any: """ Read the data for an imeth==6 budget section for a single timestep. Returns a numpy structured array containing: * id1: the model cell number * id2: the boundary condition index * budget: the budget terms * and assorted auxiliary columns, if present Parameters ---------- cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path count: int number of values to read dtype: numpy dtype Data type of the structured array. Contains at least "id1", "id2", and "budget". Optionally contains auxiliary columns. pos: position in the file where the data for a timestep starts Returns ------- Numpy structured array of type dtype """ with open(cbc_path, "rb") as f: table = np.fromfile(f, dtype, count) return table def read_imeth6_budgets_dense( cbc_path: FilePath, count: int, dtype: np.dtype, pos: int, size: int, shape: tuple, return_variable: str, indices: np.ndarray | None, ) -> FloatArray: """ Read the data for an imeth==6 budget section. Utilizes the shape information from the DIS GRB file to create a dense numpy array. Always allocates for the entire domain (all layers, rows, columns). Parameters ---------- cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path count: int number of values to read dtype: numpy dtype Data type of the structured array. Contains at least "id1", "id2", and "budget". Optionally contains auxiliary columns. pos: int position in the file where the data for a timestep starts size: int size of the entire model domain shape: tuple[int, int, int] Shape (nlayer, nrow, ncolumn) of entire model domain. return_variable: str variable name to return from budget table indices: np.ndarray | None optional array that contains the indices to map return_variable to model topology Returns ------- Three-dimensional array of floats """ # Allocates a dense array for the entire domain out = np.full(size, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) table = read_imeth6_budgets(cbc_path, count, dtype, pos) if indices is None: indices = table["id1"] - 1 # Convert to 0 based index out[indices] = table[return_variable] return out.reshape(shape)