Read MODFLOW6 output
The dis, disv, disu modules implement the following functions:
Darray = Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
def read_grb(f: BinaryIO, ntxt: int, lentxt: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def read_times(*args) -> FloatArray:
def read_hds_timestep(*args) -> FloatArray:
def open_hds(path: FilePath, d: Dict[str, Any], dry_nan: bool) -> Darray:
def open_imeth1_budgets(
cbc_path: FilePath, grb_content: dict, header_list: List["Imeth1Header"]
) -> Darray:
def open_imeth6_budgets(
cbc_path: FilePath, grb_content: dict, header_list: List["Imeth6Header"]
) -> Darray:
def open_cbc(
cbc_path: FilePath, grb_content: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Dict[str, Darray]:
(These could be implemented via Reader classes, but why bother with mutable
state or a class with exclusively staticmethods?)
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import xugrid as xu
from imod.typing import GridDataArray, GridDataset
from imod.typing.grid import merge_with_dictionary
from . import dis, disu, disv
from .cbc import read_cbc_headers
from .common import FilePath, _grb_text
"grid dis": dis.read_grb,
"grid disv": disv.read_grb,
"grid disu": disu.read_grb,
"dis": dis.open_hds,
"disv": disv.open_hds,
"disu": disu.open_hds,
_OPEN_CBC: Dict[str, Callable] = {
"dis": dis.open_cbc,
"disv": disv.open_cbc,
"disu": disu.open_cbc,
"dis": dis.open_dvs,
"disv": disv.open_dvs,
"disu": disu.open_dvs,
def _get_function(d: Dict[str, Callable], key: str) -> Callable:
func = d[key]
except KeyError:
valid_options = ", ".join(d.keys()).lower()
raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {valid_options}, got: {key}")
return func
def read_grb(path: FilePath) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Read the data in a MODFLOW6 binary grid (.grb) file.
path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
grb_content: Dict[str, Any]
with open(path, "rb") as f:
h1 = _grb_text(f)
_read = _get_function(_READ_GRB, h1)
h2 = _grb_text(f)
if h2 != "version 1":
raise ValueError(f"Only version 1 supported, got {h2}")
ntxt = int(_grb_text(f).split()[1])
lentxt = int(_grb_text(f).split()[1])
d = _read(f, ntxt, lentxt)
return d
def open_hds(
hds_path: FilePath,
grb_path: FilePath,
dry_nan: bool = False,
simulation_start_time: Optional[np.datetime64] = None,
time_unit: Optional[str] = "d",
) -> GridDataArray:
Open modflow6 heads (.hds) file.
The data is lazily read per timestep and automatically converted into
(dense) xr.DataArrays or xu.UgridDataArrays, for DIS and DISV respectively.
The conversion is done via the information stored in the Binary Grid file
hds_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
grb_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
dry_nan: bool, default value: False.
Whether to convert dry values to NaN.
simulation_start_time : Optional datetime
The time and date correpsonding to the beginning of the simulation.
Use this to convert the time coordinates of the output array to
calendar time/dates. time_unit must also be present if this argument is present.
time_unit: Optional str
The time unit MF6 is working in, in string representation.
Only used if simulation_start_time was provided.
Admissible values are:
ns -> nanosecond
ms -> microsecond
s -> second
m -> minute
h -> hour
d -> day
w -> week
Units "month" or "year" are not supported, as they do not represent unambiguous timedelta values durations.
head: Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
grb_content = read_grb(grb_path)
grb_content["name"] = "head"
distype = grb_content["distype"]
_open = _get_function(_OPEN_HDS, distype)
return _open(hds_path, grb_content, dry_nan, simulation_start_time, time_unit)
def open_dvs(
dvs_path: FilePath,
grb_path: FilePath,
indices: np.ndarray,
simulation_start_time: Optional[np.datetime64] = None,
time_unit: Optional[str] = "d",
) -> GridDataArray:
Open modflow6 dependent variable output for complex packages (like the watercontent file for the UZF-package).
The data is lazily read per timestep and automatically converted into
(dense) xr.DataArrays or xu.UgridDataArrays, for DIS and DISV respectively.
The conversion is done via the information stored in the Binary Grid file
dsv_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
grb_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
indices: np.ndarray
The indices to map dvs variable to model nodes
simulation_start_time : Optional datetime
The time and date correpsonding to the beginning of the simulation.
Use this to convert the time coordinates of the output array to
calendar time/dates. time_unit must also be present if this argument is present.
time_unit: Optional str
The time unit MF6 is working in, in string representation.
Only used if simulation_start_time was provided.
Admissible values are:
ns -> nanosecond
ms -> microsecond
s -> second
m -> minute
h -> hour
d -> day
w -> week
Units "month" or "year" are not supported, as they do not represent unambiguous timedelta values durations.
dvs : Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
grb_content = read_grb(grb_path)
distype = grb_content["distype"]
_open = _get_function(_OPEN_DVS, distype)
return _open(dvs_path, grb_content, indices, simulation_start_time, time_unit)
def open_conc(
ucn_path: FilePath,
grb_path: FilePath,
dry_nan: bool = False,
simulation_start_time: Optional[np.datetime64] = None,
time_unit: Optional[str] = "d",
) -> GridDataArray:
Open Modflow6 "Unformatted Concentration" (.ucn) file.
The data is lazily read per timestep and automatically converted into
(dense) xr.DataArrays or xu.UgridDataArrays, for DIS and DISV respectively.
The conversion is done via the information stored in the Binary Grid file
ucn_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
grb_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
dry_nan: bool, default value: False.
Whether to convert dry values to NaN.
simulation_start_time : Optional datetime
The time and date correpsonding to the beginning of the simulation.
Use this to convert the time coordinates of the output array to
calendar time/dates. time_unit must also be present if this argument is present.
time_unit: Optional str
The time unit MF6 is working in, in string representation.
Only used if simulation_start_time was provided.
Admissible values are:
ns -> nanosecond
ms -> microsecond
s -> second
m -> minute
h -> hour
d -> day
w -> week
Units "month" or "year" are not supported, as they do not represent unambiguous timedelta values durations.
concentration: Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
grb_content = read_grb(grb_path)
grb_content["name"] = "concentration"
distype = grb_content["distype"]
_open = _get_function(_OPEN_HDS, distype)
return _open(ucn_path, grb_content, dry_nan, simulation_start_time, time_unit)
def open_hds_like(
path: FilePath,
like: Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray],
dry_nan: bool = False,
) -> GridDataArray:
Open modflow6 heads (.hds) file.
The data is lazily read per timestep and automatically converted into
DataArrays. Shape and coordinates are inferred from ``like``.
hds_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
like: Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
dry_nan: bool, default value: False.
Whether to convert dry values to NaN.
head: Union[xr.DataArray, xu.UgridDataArray]
# TODO: check shape with hds metadata.
if isinstance(like, xr.DataArray):
d = dis.grid_info(like)
return dis.open_hds(path, d, dry_nan)
elif isinstance(like, xu.UgridDataArray):
d = disv.grid_info(like)
return disv.open_hds(path, d, dry_nan)
raise TypeError(
"like should be a DataArray or UgridDataArray, "
f"received instead {type(like)}"
def open_cbc(
cbc_path: FilePath,
grb_path: FilePath,
flowja: bool = False,
simulation_start_time: Optional[np.datetime64] = None,
time_unit: Optional[str] = "d",
merge_to_dataset: bool = False,
) -> GridDataset | Dict[str, GridDataArray]:
Open modflow6 cell-by-cell (.cbc) file.
The data is lazily read per timestep and automatically converted into
(dense) xr.DataArrays or xu.UgridDataArrays, for DIS and DISV respectively.
The conversion is done via the information stored in the Binary Grid file
The ``flowja`` argument controls whether the flow-ja-face array (if present)
is returned in grid form as "as is". By default ``flowja=False`` and the
array is returned in "grid form", meaning:
* DIS: in right, front, and lower face flow. All flows are placed in
the cell.
* DISV: in horizontal and lower face flow.the horizontal flows are
placed on the edges and the lower face flow is placed on the faces.
When ``flowja=True``, the flow-ja-face array is returned as it is found in
the CBC file, with a flow for every cell to cell connection. Additionally,
a ``connectivity`` DataArray is returned describing for every cell (n) its
connected cells (m).
cbc_path: str, pathlib.Path
Path to the cell-by-cell flows file
grb_path: str, pathlib.Path
Path to the binary grid file
flowja: bool, default value: False
Whether to return the flow-ja-face values "as is" (``True``) or in a
grid form (``False``).
simulation_start_time : Optional datetime
The time and date correpsonding to the beginning of the simulation.
Use this to convert the time coordinates of the output array to
calendar time/dates. time_unit must also be present if this argument is present.
time_unit: Optional str
The time unit MF6 is working in, in string representation.
Only used if simulation_start_time was provided.
Admissible values are:
ns -> nanosecond
ms -> microsecond
s -> second
m -> minute
h -> hour
d -> day
w -> week
Units "month" or "year" are not supported, as they do not represent unambiguous timedelta values durations.
merge_to_dataset: bool, default value: False
Merge output to dataset.
cbc_content: xr.Dataset | Dict[str, xr.DataArray]
DataArray contains float64 data of the budgets, with dimensions ("time",
"layer", "y", "x").
Open a cbc file:
>>> import imod
>>> cbc_content = imod.mf6.open_cbc("budgets.cbc", "my-model.grb")
Check the contents:
>>> print(cbc_content.keys())
Get the drainage budget, compute a time mean for the first layer:
>>> drn_budget = cbc_content["drn]
>>> mean = drn_budget.sel(layer=1).mean("time")
grb_content = read_grb(grb_path)
distype = grb_content["distype"]
_open = _get_function(_OPEN_CBC, distype)
cbc = _open(cbc_path, grb_content, flowja, simulation_start_time, time_unit)
if merge_to_dataset:
return merge_with_dictionary(cbc)
return cbc