
Model.write_data_catalog(root: str | Path | None = None, data_lib_fn: str | Path = 'hydromt_data.yml', used_only: bool = True, append: bool = True, save_csv: bool = False)[source]#

Write the data catalog to data_lib_fn.

  • root (str, Path, optional) – Global root for all relative paths in configuration file. If “auto” the data source paths are relative to the yaml output path.

  • data_lib_fn (str, Path, optional) – Path of output yml file, absolute or relative to the model root, by default “hydromt_data.yml”.

  • used_only (bool, optional) – If True, export only data entries kept in used_data list. By default True

  • append (bool, optional) – If True, append to an existing

  • save_csv (bool, optional) – If True, save the data catalog also as an csv table. By default False.